Chapter 76- Capsule Monsters Chapter 11

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Having now defeated the fiendish five, the group now found themselves back in the forest where their adventure began.

"I could swear the passageway we entered from was right here" Tea observed looking around.
"Knowing this place, we still have to clear another challenge" Tristan remarked.

Just then Alexander turned around to face Yugi.

"Your friend is correct, you may have passed all 5 tests, but this journey of yours is not yet complete" he began to explain.
"What are we expected to do now?" Ana asked.
"One task remains, once you've made it home to your world, you must locate a hidden chamber on top of the pyramid, your pendant will now be able to open the door, once inside, you will be granted the power I once craved- the power to rule the world" Alexander continued.

Yugi however narrowed his eyes and his expression became stern.

"Yes, but I already told you, I'm not interesting in any power I just want to go back home" Yugi repeated.
"I know, but there is someone out there who does seek such a power" Alexander responded.

He then reached up and moved the eye mask he wore, everyone gasped in shock, for the person before them, looked exactly like Dr Brisbane- Mr Mouto's colleague.
Of which he explained that they were indeed two different people, but his colleague had been possess by Alexander's dark half, of which appeared after wearing an item that split his personality in two, and how he had been sealed here and the evil part of him remained in the pyramid.
But was released when the Dr's entered the pyramid, of which was further revealed that Dr Brisbane was a direct descendant of the once great king.
Who tricked them all into coming here and completing the tasks for him, so that when they return he would use it to unlock the order and take over the world.

Tea protectively grasped the pendant in the palm of her hand.

"Don't lose that pendant, the person who holds it holds the key to ultimate power, and when you return, my dark side will be waiting to seize it" Alexander pleaded.
"That being said, we need to think of a way to confront him, but not let him know we're onto him, but imagine you need to become whole again" Ana trailed off, forming a plan.
"That's right- now in order to get out of here, you must all join hands and concentrate, think about the pyramid and you shall be transported there" he explained.

Heeding the king, they all did as instructed and soon found themselves back in the large room where the game board was.

"Well looks like we're back" Tea said, looking around.
"Certainly does" Ana agreed.

unbeknownst to Dr Brisbane, Alexander had entered Dr Mouto's body, and would hopefully be reuniting with his other half soon.

"Dr Mouto- you're back!"

Looking ahead at the stairs entering the room, Dr Brisbane came running over, everyone was immediately on their guard.

"I'm so glad you're alright, I've been worried sick about you since the moment you disappeared into that map" Dr Brisbane expressed.
"Well you can stop worrying cause we all made it back in one piece" Mr Mouto smiled and embraced his colleague.
"Thank goodness, if anything had happened to you I don't know what I would do"
"Oh don't be silly, there's no way you could have known about all this" Mr Mouto responded.

Everything seemed almost seemed hard to believe this person had been possessed by an evil spirit...that was until the next line of questioning.

"So did you find anything?" he casually slipped into the conversation.
"Huh?" Mr Mouto expressed.
"You know when you crossed to the other side, did you find anything of interest there?" Dr Brisbane clarified.

Mr Mouto however, decided to play dumb to test his reactions.

"Like what, was there something I should have found there?" he responded.
"I don't know, I thought you perhaps bring back an artefact or something" Dr Brisbane answered.

That was more or less enough proof.

"Artefact- oh wait now that you mention it I did find something" Mr Mouto said and pulled out the pendant from his pocket.

Dr Brisbane's face lit up at the sight of it, he reached his hand out to hold it but suddenly stopped as a gold light emerged and the good half of Alexander the great joined with the evil counterpart.
Dr Brisbane fell onto his front until the gold light dimmed.
Assuming everything was now fine, they all ran over to help the Dr up to his feet.

"Dr Brisbane, are you feeling ok?" Yugi asked.

Slowly he sat up and sighed, looking at everyone with a friendly smile.

"As a matter of fact I am, better than I have been in a long time" he expressed and got to his feet.
"That's great!" Tea cheered.
"Now, let's have a look at that strange object you brought back" he said and extended his hand.

Without thinking Mr Mouto did so, but sooner had he done did the Dr's expression become dark and an evil smiled curled onto his lips.
But it was too late, he snatched the pendant tightly in his hand.

"As you can see, my peaceful side is also my foolish side, he could never have conquered half the globe without me!" Alexander yelled.
"We've got to stop him" Yugi said.
"It's time to complete what I began centuries ago" he evilly laughed and ran away, heading to the top of the pyramid.

With great haste everyone followed him to a room where the fabled door was, he placed the pendant in a slot and the door opened. But before he could go inside, Yugi jumped him, pulling him from the door, of which Tristan also joined in trying to help.

"Stop!" Yugi yelled.
"We worked too hard for that thing!" Tristan added.

With great force Alexander was able to force all three of them through the door.

"Shit!" Ana yelled.

Ana, Joey and Tea, were just about able to grab the trouser cuff of Tristan as they dangled above a black abyss.

"Let go, I will not be robbed of my destiny!" Alexander screamed.

He then began fidgeting, causing the others to loosen grip, and fall into the darkness, which quickly turned into a sky full of beautiful stars, the fall was brief as the group now found themselves floating.

"Where are we?" Yugi asked.
"Infinite power sure looks weird" Ana expressed looking around.

Suddenly a white light appeared and from it, an Asian man, dressed in white emerged...and he was wearing an millennium item around his neck.

"It's Shadi!" Yugi yelled.
"You know him?" Ana asked.

Yugi simply nodded, it would appear they know this man quite well, and so did Alexander, who revealed that that was the man who created the pyramid. 

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