Chapter 18

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The next day came all too quickly, and Ana didn't get a great deal of rest last night.Despite her limited sleep she suddenly found herself thrown from her bed in a violent fashion, hastily she stumbled to her feet in confusion.

"What the hell was that?!" she exclaimed.

Wasting no time, she slipped on her nightdress, grabbed her deck then made a run towards the control room. Upon arrival she already saw Kaiba, Mokuba, Yugi and all his friends there.

"What's going on here?" she asked.
"I can't control the ship!" the pilot replied, panicked.
"Why not?!" Ana yelled.
"Oh, I've got it, someone hacked into our mainframe and changed the destination co-ordinates" the co-pilot responded.
"Impossible! Move!" Ana brashly said and took his seat, she then began running a number of quick system checks.
"He's right...I can't override it" she said nervously.
"There's no way that's true, the security on this system is state of the art!" Mokuba exclaimed.
"No kidding- I made it!" Ana stated fearfully.
"Our situation is worsening! We're losing altitude rapidly!" the Pilot explained frantically.
"I can see that you buffoon!" Kaiba screamed.
"Everybody hold on!" the Pilot called out.
"AH!" Ana screamed and went flying back, causing her to hit her head harshly on the headrest, causing her to pass out.

Unaware of how much time had passed she eventually stirred awake as she felt herself being held in a warm embrace.
Slowly her eyes fluttered open and her vision adjusted to oddly see Kaiba was the one holding her.

"W...what is happening?" she nervously asked.
"Good you're awake, now you can walk" he said then put her down.

Looking around Ana saw that she was in a metal squared corridor.

"Where are we?" she asked, confused.
"We got abducted, this kid Noah forced us off the ship else he'd shoot us" Yugi explained.
"So, you pulled me along too?" she sarcastically remarked.
"He would have shot if everyone wasn't off, namely us" Mokuba added.

Having little choice it appeared, they carried on walking.

"What is it you want from us Noah?!" Yugi demanded.
"You'll find out soon enough, just keep going till your reach the end where my associates will greet you. They're especially excited to see you Mr. Kaiba" Noah coaxed.
"This is getting creepier and creepier" Tea said fearfully.

They all then saw a door at the end that slid open and they found themselves in a very dimly lit room that was also made of metal.

"What is this place?" Mokuba asked, looking around.
"It looks too big to be a racket ball court" Joey commented.
"Is anybody out there?" Tea called out.

Suddenly there was a blinding flash of white light followed by a mixture of evil laughter.

"What on earth-" Ana gasped.
"Who's there, show yourselves!" Kaiba demanded.
"With pleasure!" said a voice.

Suddenly the lights began to dim, and they were all faced with 5 elder men all dressed in suites.

"It can't be!" Kaiba gasped.
"You should have known we'd be back Seto Kaiba, for revenge" said one of the men.
"You know these 5 suites man, what's going on here?" Tristan asked.
"Suddenly I feel really under dressed" Duke commented.
"You couldn't be worse than me" Ana said, noting she was still in her nightgown.
"I can't put my finger on it but something about these guys seems really familiar to me" Yugi noted.
"These are the 5 creeps who tried to get rid of Seto and try to take over Kaiba Corp! Gansley, Crump, Johnson, Nesbit and Lecter- The Big 5" Mokuba explained.
"That's right, they trapped Kaiba in Cyber land until we saved him!" Joey recalled.
"Almost right, they were hired by my step father as Kaiba Corps Board of Directors, but that power wasn't enough for them, so they tried to destroy me using my own virtual technology and take over my company" Kaiba further explained.
"What possessed me into thinking that you were leading a boring life is beyond me" Ana sarcastically remarked.
"When they lost, they were imprisoned in the virtual world instead" Mokuba said.
"That's right. But did you honestly believe you had seen the last of us? We wondered through Cyber Space for what seemed like an eternity. Thinking of one question- how could we get revenge?" said another one of the men.
"We finally found our answer when Noah hacked into the Kaiba Corps mainframe" said another.
"Once we discovered that we share a common enemy in Seto Kaiba, naturally Noah uploaded our minds to his system" another one explained.
"So, you guys are virtual?" Tea asked.
"I defeated you once and I can do it again" Kaiba boasted.
"We plan to give you every opportunity to so do Mr. Kaiba. For we've devised a new game with Noah's help" one of the men laughed.
"What kind of game are we talking about, you snake?!" Kaiba demanded.
"Oh, it's a game you're quite familiar with Mr. Kaiba. A virtual Duel Monsters Tournament. And you're all invited to participate"
"But why do you guys want to duel us?" Yugi asked, confused and curious.
"Our minds have been trapped in this virtual prison for so long we've lost our bodies"
"But if we defeat you in Noah's virtual Area, we can return to the real world in your bodies"
"No one's taking over my body again!" Joey screamed.

This had turned into quite a serious situation and everyone looked like they had no choice but to follow. But if it wasn't a duel monsters match however, Ana would have been slightly worried.

"Now permit us to show you your duelling world" called one of the men.

Another blinding flash of white and everyone all found themselves falling into a tunnel of white and blue.

"Where are we now?" Ana asked.

Looking around they all appeared to be in a Jurassic time period.


After realizing no physical harm can come to themselves, and that they would be battling using a Deck Master System; the big 5 changed their environment once more to the room they all started in. After which it was revealed who would be duelling and to the dismay of the non-duellists. everyone would have to. Suddenly everyone fell through holes in the floor. Kaiba and Mokuba, Serenity, Tristan and Duke, Yugi, Joey then Ana and Tea. Before they all fell Ana saw Kaiba attempt to reach a hand towards her, but was too late, everyone was now separated, and so began a battle to survive and escape.

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