Chapter 22

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Kaiba was in a match with Lecter of the Big 5 and Ana and the others were separated by a broken bridge.Unable to do much else, they were forced to just stand and watch, thankfully, this match wasn't a worry since Kaiba walked away the victor. In light of losing the match, Lecter disappeared but that was followed by everyone hearing a familiar voice.

"Well Seto..." said the voice, who revealed to be Noah."
'Well' what?!" Kaiba snapped.
"You may have won your Duel, but you lost something far more important, your brother!" Noah mocked.

Suddenly another tunnel materialized not far from where Kaiba was standing.

"Where is he?!" Kaiba demanded.
"Here's a hint, just look down"
"The bridge is restored" Ana noticed.
"Proceed ahead and you MAY find him" Noah mockingly advised.
"Mokuba! I'm on my way!" Kaiba called out.
"Kaiba come back, that may be a trap!" Yugi screamed after him.
"Just stay out of this Yugi!" Kaiba screamed back.
"What?!" Yugi called out.
"Who do you think you are?!" Joey screamed after Kaiba.
"This doesn't concern you Wheeler, this is family business!"
"Oh no you don't!" Ana shouted and raced after him.
"Anastasia!" Yugi called out.
"He'll never admit it, but he needs help!" Ana shouted back.

With all her heart she wanted Mokuba back and that same motivation allowed Ana to catch up with Kaiba.

"What are you doing here?!" Kaiba demanded.
"I understand this doesn't concern me, but I refuse to let anything happen to that little boy!" Ana screamed at him.

Kaiba had no response to that for a change, instead he steered right at a fork and Ana continued to chase after him.

"Seto! Help me!" called Mokuba's voice.
"Mokuba!" Kaiba called back.

Suddenly he stopped and turned towards a tunnel on his right.

"Kaiba?" Mokuba repeated.
"Mokuba, is that you over there?" Kaiba called out.

Just then, Mokuba appeared with a sad face, Kaiba and Ana both ran closer but stopped as the figure transformed into Noah.

"Crap!" Ana gasped.

Suddenly he levitated into the air and there was a blinding flash of white light and Ana tried to take shield behind Kaiba.Ana then started screaming until she fell onto a carpet floor in a black room which only appeared to have a screen sofa and a TV screen. Suddenly Kaiba landed on top of her, winding her badly.

"Ah! Crap you're heavier than you look!" she screamed/gasped.
"Oh sorry" he apologised and helped Ana to her feet.
"Ah, nice of you to drop in Seto" Noah said sarcastically.

Looking up they saw it was indeed Noah, a boy who was no more than maybe 10-12 years of age.

"Noah! Where is my brother?! I demand you bring him- Mokuba!" Kaiba screamed.

Kaiba and Ana both then saw Mokuba, hiding behind Noah.

"See Seto, your little brother is safe and sound thanks to me" Noah smirked smugly.
"Safe?! You're the one who took him in the first place!" Ana screamed.
"Ah, Anastasia Starline, I finally get to meet you in person. Regardless, it wasn't me, but your ex-employee Nesbit disguised as Tristan who took Mokuba. But I saved him from the Big 5, you should be thanking me" Noah added.

Kaiba then walked over and took Mokuba by the hand, leading him away from Noah, but to their surprise Mokuba snatched his hand back.

"No!" Mokuba screamed.
"What's wrong with you?! We're getting out of here!" Kaiba called out to him.
"Go without me! I'm staying right here! You just stood there and watched while they took me away Seto!" Mokuba cried.
"Oh bullshit, Mokuba, you don't believe that, Noah what did you tell him?!" Ana demanded.
"You're just as bad! You want Seto to yourself!" Mokuba screamed back.
"You better than anyone knows that's not true!" Ana scoffed.
"Besides Mokuba realized how little you care about him all by himself. So maybe you should take his advice and just go" Noah insisted.
"Snap out of it Mokuba!" Kaiba begged.
"Oh, it'll take more that shouting to erase all those memories from Mokuba's mind Seto. Think of all those times you abandoned him, so you could achieve your own selfish goals" Noah coaxed. "That's a lie! I've never treated Mokuba like that!" Kaiba screamed.
"Must you raise your voice?" Noah asked smugly.
"Mokuba please don't listen to Noah's lies, he's just trying to drive us apart!" Kaiba pleaded. Noah then turned to Mokuba.
"It's ok I won't let him hurt you anymore, let's go" he calmly said.
"Get back here!" Kaiba demanded.

Noah then lead Mokuba to the sofa and they sat down together.

"You will not destroy the only family I have!" Kaiba screamed lovingly.

Suddenly Ana's heart sank and broke; Kaiba was full of despair and was still trying to reach out to Mokuba. But Ana knew all too well, Mokuba had been brainwashed and getting him to snap back into reality would not be an easy task.

"You have no family! You're all alone now; it seems to me that Mokuba wants to be my brother. And he's not the only thing I'll take from you. As far as I'm concerned you don't deserve anything you have now! So, I'll make sure your possessions go to someone to does" Noah exclaimed. "And who deserves to have what's mine?!" Kaiba screamed.
"Me of course! It's time you learn the truth." Noah yelled.

Suddenly behind them, they saw a type of memory between Noah and Kaiba's step father, Gorzoboro Kaiba. It revealed that Noah was in fact...Gorzoboro's one true son.

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