Chapter 79

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The flight did not seem very long, but during it Ana was engrossed in various documentations of the artefacts and exhibits in Alexandria, to say the least it was all very interesting, and she was bursting with anticipation to see everything.

She soon landed at Cairo Airport, and once in the terminal, she was escorted by the plane staff into the airport.
After collecting her bags she made her to the arrivals gate, expecting to meet with the hired hands who would be taking her around for her stay.
Bags in hand and looking around she couldn't actually see anyone holding up her name, patiently she waited, looking around keeping an eye out.
Which is when she saw a hand waving at her, walking towards the voice calling out to her, she was very surprised to see who it was.

"Oh dear Lord" she whispered.

Before her was Marik, Odieon and Ishizu.
Confused she walked towards them.

"Don't tell me, you're my guides for me stay here?" she asked.
"Welcome home Princess" Ishizu politely said.

Ana rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Ishizu, I'm not Egyptian, I'm British, this isn't my home, I'm here for the sake of historical architectural expedition" Ana iterated.
"Ana?" said a deep voice.

Gasping she turned around to see Yami, Joey, Tristan and Tea.

"Oh dear God, what are you all doing here?" she asked, fearfully.
"We're here to help the Pharaoh unlock his memories, are you here to help too?" Tea enthused.
"Um well actually I was here because of various exhibits and artefacts getting moves between some of the museums" Ana explained.

Yami's expression slight dropped in realising that Ana was not here for him, however she couldn't bare to see such despondence in his eyes.

"But since I'm here, I suppose I can lend a hand" she reluctantly offered.

Instantly his face lit up.

"Well we had better be going, we have a long way ahead of us" Ishizu said.

With that everyone separated into 2 trucks and headed straight to the Valley of the Kings.
Ana, Ishizu and Yami travelled in one car and the other in another.
Through most of the journey there was silence, and Ana had spent most of it gazing out the windows as they passed all the stunning monuments of Egypt; the pyramids, the sphinx and some temple ruins.
"Ana, I haven't heard from you since our Capsule monsters adventure" Yami stated.
"Oh well, I've been very busy with business Yami, I'm sure you understand. I came back to Japan only the other day for the sake of the museum changes, we're sponsoring some of the transits and exchanges. But I also came to see Seto" she responded.

Yami instantly became confused.

"Kaiba? Are you both working on a new project together?" Yami asked, curiously.

Ana then realised what she had just said, honestly it wasn't any of anyone's business so she had no need to disclose such information to anyone...but in Yami's case, she felt she had to tell him the truth.

"No we're not working on a project...we...we're seeing each other" she explained.

For a moment Yami fell silent as he looked down at his hands.

"I see, well..." he paused and reached for her hand.

Ana gasped as she looked down then back up into his violet eyes.

"I'm very happy for you, you'd be good for him. He's very lucky" Yami smiled and let her hand go.

Ana was in love with Seto, and he loved her too...but why did she feel uneasy telling all this to Yami, she thought that she didn't love him, despite their feelings towards each other and all that had happened, she had convinced herself that she didn't love him...then why did it feel like she was cheating on Yami with Seto- it made no sense.

"Pharaoh I-" Ana started, but was stopped mid-sentence as they arrived at their destination.

It was a secluded entrance in the side of a rocky mountain type place.

"We're here" Ishizu said.

She then got out and opened the door for Ana and Yami, once out they joined the others at the entrance.

"Beyond this door lies the tablet of lost memories" Ishizu explained.

Yami's expression was stern and serious, it was then that the magnitude of the situation dawned on Ana.
He had been waiting 5000 years for this day, and as a friend, she felt best do all that was possible to help him, just as she had always done from the first moment they had met.

"You must enter without us" Ishizu explained.
"And when you reach the tablet hold up your Egyptian God cards and the gateway to your lost memories will open" Marik added.

With their words in mind, everyone made their way down the stairs into an underground type basement.
Everywhere was made of large stone blocks, but the condition was rather immaculate.
Once at the bottom they were met with two stone tablets, one of which was the one from the Domino museum with Yami and supposing Seto...and the ancient princess on it.
The other was unusual and rather damaged.

"There it is" Yami pointed out.
"Pharaoh, I want you to have this" Tea said.

She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a blank cartouche necklace, explaining that she had bought it for him. Because his name had been lost, upon learning it, he could get it engraved on there so as to never forget it again.
Yami was so moved by this he smiled and expressed great gratitude.

"I'll never take it off" he smiled and popped it on.
"Go for it Yuge, no matter what happens, we're right behind you" Joey encouraged.

With that Yami then pulled out the 3 Egyptian God cards and then raised them up towards the tablet. As soon as he did so...there was a blinding flash of light, it filled the entire area obstructing everyone's vision. But by the time the light dimmed out...Yugi was on his hands and knees and Ana...was passed out on the ground.

"Ana!" everyone yelled and ran to her side.
"He's gone!" Yugi yelled.

Yami's spirit had indeed left the puzzle...but what of Ana.

"You are right" said a voice.

Everyone looked around to see Shadi emerge from the darkness.

"The Pharaohs is now in the world of his memory" he explained.
"He is...but what about Ana?" Tea asked, fanning her friend, trying to wake her up.
"She has been taken, for you see it is true, she is indeed the Princess from his past...and until he unlocks his memories...they will both remain there" Shadi explained. 

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