Chapter 19

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"Oh, God, my body is killing me" Ana groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

Looking around she found herself on a beautiful sandy beach.

"Not bad, it almost looks real, which remind me I should go back to my home island one day"

Continuing to look around she could see a building of some kind located behind her on top of a forest-like mountain.

"I wonder what's the best way to get there..." she trailed off in thought.

Suddenly there was a loud squawk and Ana jumped up then looked down to see a penguin.

"Oh my God- you're so cute!" she squealed and hugged it."Oh, I love penguins!"

The penguin then wriggled from her grasp and began waddling away a short distance, but though it was waiting for Ana.

"Guess I should follow"

Ana did so and was taken back as she found herself among hundreds of penguins.

"This is cute, but weird...oh hey, stairs, I can get to that building!" she realised."Hey there!" called a voice.

Turning around Ana was shocked but happy to see Tea floating in on a raft.

"Tea!" Ana shouted back.

Tea then jumped off and both girls raced to hug each other.

"Oh, thank God you're safe!" Ana gasped.
"Yeah, glad you're okay too, is anyone else with you?" Tea hopefully asked.
"No, I've been alone until a penguin lead me up the beach here" Ana explained.
"Guess we should go up there, maybe we'll find the others" Tea suggested.

Wasting no time, they both swiftly made their way up the stairs, all while Tea told Ana about her life-threatening experience.

"Guess we should be careful, I thought something was weird, I woke up in pain; but this doesn't feel "virtual" anymore" Ana explained.

Now they had both arrived at the top and pushed the doors to the building open together. Upon entering they saw even more penguins everywhere.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Tea called out.
"They are" Ana said, looking at the penguin filled room.
"Look around, you're surrounded by my penguin army!" shouted one of the penguins, but it wasn't a normal penguin.
"I meant someone who doesn't have a beak and feathers" Tea sarcastically remarked.
"There's no one here but us penguins Tea" the penguin replied.
"You know my name?" Tea panicked.
"And you too Anastasia Kingsly" the penguin said.
"Huh?" Tea said confused.

Ana however told her to be quiet.

"I know all about you both and I'm about to freeze you all!" the penguin threatened.

The penguins then parted to reveal a desk and folding chair where the talking penguin was sitting.

"Who are you anyway?" Tea asked.
"Don't tell me you forgot out last meeting?" the penguin replied.

Then suddenly a colourful penguin in an ironic suit appeared.

"Huh, I'd definitely remember you" Tea said.
 "Look, things aren't always as they appear here, so when we met earlier, I looked a bit different-give up? I'm one of the big 5! The names Crump, former accountant of Kaiba Corp" he introduced himself.
"Disguised as a penguin" Tea remarked.
"Somehow, I don't think so" Ana added.
"But I'll explain all that later for starters let's do a quick run through of your numbers. From my notes, there a 100% chance we're going to Duel" he teased.
"Me VS you?!" Tea panicked.
"Exactly, winner gets to leave this world, loser gets trapped here forever. Now let's get back to my calculations, says here you duelled 5 times in your life, which means you have 1% chance of winning this duel" Crump boasted.
"You have no means to know about her life" Ana commented.
"Ah Miss Kingsly, daughter of 2 poor shop keepers, apparently, you've dueled only 6 times, so I'd say you have a 1.25 chance of winning" he read aloud from a clipboard.
"That's not going to help you win the duel" Ana sternly said.
"No but it will be helpful when I take over one of your bodies, so I can become you-" Crump began, but was cut off by Ana.
"Yeah, yeah, I heard, no wonder you've taken the form of a Duel monster, Nightmare Penguin" Ana noticed.
"Let's get out of here" Tea urged.

So together they both made a run into the forest but suddenly everything froze over and cracked beneath them, they were now on top of an icy pillar and under them was a deathly cold ocean.

"By God" Ana gasped.
"Looks like my icy area will leave you cold!" Crump mocked.
"Hold on, I have a proposition" Ana interrupted.
"Oh yeah?" Curmp replied, intrigued.
"Oh yeah, look Duel me instead, you've a lot more to gain from my body. And my life back home revolves around our family shop that's growing at an extensive rate" Ana explained.
"I don't think so" Crump refused.
"Well how about this, battle me and if I lose you can have both our bodies" Ana added.
"Ana, are you sure about this?!" Tea fearfully panicked.
"No, but if you get hurt, I can only imagine your friends won't take it well. At least I can ensure a chance; I don't duel much; but I sure as hell will try" Ana nervously responded.
"Alright, I'll accept your challenge" Crump agreed.
"Good, let's get to it!" Ana called out.

Immediately a sudden icy breeze began blowing and both girls began shivering.

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