Chapter 4

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Ana was making her way out of the museum, she carried on walking and as she was a few feet from the door, she passed a middle aged man in a suit.

"Miss Starline?" he addressed her.
"Oh God" she whispered.

Ana then turned around and the guy was right in front of her and began shaking her hand enthusiastically.

"Miss Starline, what an honour to have you in my museum!" he exclaimed.
"Oh well thank you...beg your pardon but have we met?" she replied confused.
"No Miss Starline, but I'm aware your family have been patrons to multiple Egyptian exhibits globally, we're so proud to have you here looking at our exhibits" he smiled.
"Yes, well, the advertisements over the town caught my attention, so I felt I needed to come see it for myself" Ana replied.

There was a brief moment of silence before she excused herself.

"Well if you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to, thank you for your time, the museum is...enlightening" Ana smiled.

As she turned around she found herself bumping into someone, to her surprise she had bumped into Yugi once more...oh but it actually it wasn't...she couldn't explain it, but despite this person looking very much like Yugi, there was something different, his eyes were stern, his hair was more vibrant, the very aura around him was almost tense.

"Oh, excuse me, I'm terribly sorry" he apologised.

And his voice, was so deep and somewhat seductive that is even caught Ana off-guard.

"Huh? Oh! it's alright, my mistake" Ana blushed and stuttered.

She then saw he was with that same girl she saw dancing at the arcade.

"Please excuse me" Ana said and continued on her way out the museum and back to the town centre. "Is it a joke that I always seem to run into that guy or Yugi near enough everywhere I go?" she said to herself.

It was getting late and by now she was beginning to feel hungry. Once back in the town she walked into a restaurant and was seated at a table; she ordered a pasta and vanilla cheesecake for dessert. She finished her food quite swiftly before making her way back outside and sat down on one of the benches; she then noticed there were a great number of people around the area. Possibly there to listen to the announcement.
As Ana looked around and saw that familiar spiky haired boy again and his girlfriend, as well as another blonde girl.
She was then drawn away from her thoughts by the big TV's that were displayed on buildings all around the city, and there was a rather large one on the building in front of her, and there on the screen appeared Seto Kaiba.

"Greetings Duellists, welcome to the town of Domino, but more importantly welcome to my tournament" Kaiba boasted.

Ana then heard something that blonde girl was saying to Yugi.

"I don't know what's bigger, his ego or his melon on the big screen" she sarcastically remarked.

Ana lightly laughed as you had to agree...Kaiba was rather egotistical.

"I see you each received your private invite to Kaiba Corp's very exclusive Duel Monsters Tournament, and you had enough brains to show up here tonight. Being that you are all elite duellists I've added special rules to my tournament just for experts; for example, you will duel using these new improved Duel Disks" Kaiba explained.

Ana then heard sounds of approval from everyone saying how amazing they looked.

"I'm pretty sure my Nano tech is hidden inside the workings of that arm accessory" she smiled. "Another new rule that I designed for the tournament, is that before each Duel, both players must anti-up their rarest card, and the loser of the Duel, forfeit his card to the winner. My competition will make Pegasus and his Duellist Kingdom look like a joke!" he continued to boast.

Suddenly everyone looked up as they all heard a helicopter there they saw Seto Kaiba himself standing on the edge of the door.

"Don't forget to register and pick up your duel disk because exactly 1 week today my Battle City Tournament begins!" he exclaimed.

Ana then heard her phone ringing and upon answering it, she was rather surprised.

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