Chapter 33

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With intense speed Ana ran to the Duel Tower, she stumbled into the colosseum hologram to see Yami and Kaiba on the Duelling platform, each on one knee.

"Where are the Gods?" Ana panted.
"Ana, you came!"Mokuba smiled.
"Well after that light show blew half the electronics on the ship- I had to come up here and see what was going on" she replied.


The match continued to be immensely intense, it really could have gone either way every time.
Kaiba summoned his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but the attack had failed once Yami used his Dark Paladin to destroy his Blue Eyes!

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" Ana gasped.
"Yugi, I will not be defeated in my own tournament!" Kaiba screamed.
"You're too late! You lose Kaiba, I told you your hatred and lust for power would never prevail!" Yami declared.

Ana turned to Mokuba who was naturally disappointed and shocked at his brother's defeat.
The platform lowered and Ana then noticed Yugi's friend had come to offer their support; Tea, Tristen, Duke and Joey?!

"Joey?! You're alright?!" Ana exclaimed.

Everyone seemed to gather on the platform with the Duellists.

Kaiba was in slight shock from his defeat, Yami and Joey reconnected with his friends; sealing that friendship once more.

"I'm so happy for them" Ana thought to herself.

Kaiba was burning with rage and refused to listen to Yami as he was trying to preach to Kaiba how his faith, his friends and his past helped him to win. And how Kaiba would never succeed with all the greed and denial and bitterness he loomed in his heart.
Kaiba worked hard and maybe sometimes his heart is in the right place...but Yami was right. Kaiba's heart was full of darkness, maybe that's why despite everything he has, Kaiba really shouldn't be that miserable, it even seemed that not even Mokuba was enough to make him happy.
If all this history was true, Kaiba could learn a lot from Yami.
A 5000 year old Pharaoh, away from his real home, his own friends and his own family.
Despite it all, at times he was happy, Yugi and his friends seemed to be key in pulling him out of that depression he could have fallen into.
It was then Ana noticed something different, Kaiba really wasn't the person she assumed he was.
She wandered over to Mokuba who was on his knees in shock.

"Mokuba, are you alright?" she asked.

He looked up at her and nodded with slightly sad eyes, she showed him a reassuring smile and helped him to his feet.

"Your brother did really well" she said.

But the drama didn't stop there.
Joey brashly challenged Kaiba to a Duel and determined to put Joey in his place Kaiba accepted.
So everyone went downstairs and outside.
Ana stood behind Joey with Duke, Tristan, Yami and Tea. The match up to a certain point was pretty impressive, Joey made Kaiba sweat a few times, and hit back with quite a few impressive moves.
However during the Duel Ana noticed in the corner of her eye Tea was walking away towards the blimp.

"That's odd, Tea wouldn't walk away from a friend's Duel" Ana whispered.

Curious, she kept her distance but followed after her.
She watched and hid behind part of the blimp to see Tea stop and meet with Ishizu.
As she listened in, she learned that Marik's good side was still alive! Or at least part of it was and it was living in Tea's mind!

"Poor Tea" Ana whispered.

Marik then revealed how he felt he needed to take his body back by force. Ana then watched as Tea ran to the Duel Tower to confront his dark side.

"Oh crap! I better go, she may need help- and who knows what Malik would do to her" she said.

Wasting no time she followed Tea.

"Princess!" Ishizu called out.

Ana turned back and smiled but then continued on her way.

"She could get hurt!" Ishizu gasped.

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