Chapter 77- Capsule Monsters Chapter 12

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Everyone was floating in this beautiful space and star filled atmosphere and from part of the sky appeared Shadi, a previous acquaintance of both Yugi and Alexander.

"You now stand at the thresh hold of a power greater than anything you could imagine" Shadi said.
"Yeah, but all we want is to go home" Yugi responded.
"Then go- I've been waiting for that power for 2 thousand years, and now it's mine!" Alexander yelled.
"I beg to differ, we did all the work" Ana commented.
"That's right, so anything here belongs to us pal!" Joey added.

Alexander smirked and turned his attention towards them.

"Really, I see no one told you already passed these 5 trails centuries ago- I came to this pyramid, but the doorway wouldn't open- I was robbed of my prize" he screamed.

He continued to explain how his soul had split and his followers were trapped in the pyramid along with his own soul- both good and evil, and that he had been waiting for years for a chance to escape, where all these events had led to now.

"There is but one way to determine which of you are worthy enough to gain the prize, you must face each other in an all-out capsule monster war- only the true king shall prevail- now begin!" Shadi announced.

They were all dropped into what looked like a Roman type city.

"Well this shouldn't take too long" Alexander said.
"I imagine not, seeing as I think we have a better chance than yourself" Ana responded.
"That's right!" Joey agreed.

Yugi then stepped forward and transformed into Yami.

"Now let the battle commence!" Yami said and stood beside Ana.

Then from the shadows appeared 4 other people- 3 men and a woman- it appeared that they were his followers. Alex then transformed into the Duel armour.

"The rules of this trial are simple, you may summon any and all Capsule monsters you managed to collect on your journey, you lose when they're all destroyed, the victor will then claim the power necessary to control the world!" Shadi explained.

With that everyone loaded all their strongest monsters ready to fight, Yami started by merging with his Black Luster Solider- but then Alexander did the same with his monster- Reshep the Dark being.
Joey and Tea mounted their Dragons and Ana stood back, sending her Dark Magician girl into battle first.
Everyone was fighting well, however- team Yami were doing much better, all while Alexander stood in the back watching his followers begin to fail.

"You fools were never any use to me" he called out and shot a beam into the sky to summon a monster- but to do it...he sacrificed his own followers and their monsters to bring about the 7-armed fiend- I gigantic monster.

"How could he do that to them?" Ana said.

Yami then touched down beside her.
Joey was the first to try his hand at attacking but failed as he and Red-eyes were smacked down.

"You think you're so tough- just because you have 35 fingers!" Joey screamed.

It was then revealed that each of the monsters arms had a unique ability, 3 of which he was able to take everyone back onto the ground.
He managed to summon a number of monster soldiers, which the team had to try and defeat in order to even get close to Alexander.
Everyone sent their monsters in and managed to destroy them, but the more they destroyed, the more that appeared.
Yami then made his way towards the monster to try and attack while the others tried to fend off the army.
Sadly Yami's attempt failed as he was smashed to the ground.
But Alexander wasn't done, he aimed an attack at Mr Mouto, which did hit, but when the smoke cleared it revealed that Baby Dragon, Happy lover and Thunder Kid had protected him.

"You three sacrificed yourselves to save an old man?" Mr Mouto said.

The monsters were his badly, and passed on from the attack, Tea, Joey and Tristan were devastated at the lost but eternally grateful for the sacrifice.
Yami got to his feet in rage and turned to face Alexander, then charged at him with Celtic Guardian and his Magician black chaos.
But in doing so the best was still able to block them all, but things were harder as this beast was able to predict all their moves, blocking each attack.
But in all this, the next one to fall was the Flame Swordsman.

"Watch your back!" Yami warned him.
"Focus on your task!" Ana shouted.

Yami then charged once more, but something was different, he was dodging all the attacks and manged to get close enough to the monster and swipe at him with one mighty blow, taking it down with a mighty crash with the help of his other monsters.
Upon his victory all the monster soldiers vanished from sight.

"But how- that's impossible!" Alexander screamed.
"It's time you stopped hiding like coward, come down here and fight me face to face- if you want your precious reward then come down here and defeat me!" Yami called out.

Ana smiled as she glanced at Yami, who looked back at her with the same soft expression.

"You may have destroyed my 7-armed fiend, but my trusted servants have returned, along with their monsters. And might I remind you, I've merged with the most powerful creature on the field- prove your loyalty and destroy them!" Alexander orders.

The followers did just that and managed to destroy Tristan and Tea's monsters, and in Joey's attempt to defend, the attack fired by his red-eyes just about fired back and grazed him.
Yami then ordered that everyone lure away the followers defending monsters, allowing Yami to try and attack Alexander directly- which was impressive, however...despite that attack and getting close he had been pulled out by his magician as lasers emitted from Alexander's monster, making things much more difficult.

"Sorry, slight miss-calculation on my part" Yami admitted.

Ana rolled her eyes and smiled still, despite it all, she wasn't worried.

"I wish you were here" she whispered, wanting her Blue eyes back.
"Hold on, if you continue to attack, you'll be endangering your own team as well!" Yami called out.
"That's the difference between you and me- don't belong to a team, I have a staff of subordinates that serve my every need, and like most things, when I'm through with them, I destroy them" Alexander laughed.
"Your lust for power is so great you don't care who you hurt- but the person you hurt the most is yourself!" Yami yelled back.

Just then both Yami and his Magician went in for an attack that was able to disable the lasers, a small element of progress. But no sooner had that happened did all of Alexander's followers' monsters vanish and merge with his monster.

"He sacrificed his servants' monsters- just to strengthen his own" Tristan called out.

His followers stood below him, begging that they had been left with no way to defend themselves.
Alexander didn't care, and instead continued on with his attack of Yami and his monster, but in attacking back...the servants were taking the brunt of the damage, and two of them had fallen to their knees in pain first, followed by the other.

"He's using those guys as human shields!" Ana yelled.
"A true kind respects his subjects!" Yami screamed.
"Look out Yami!" Ana called out.

One of the monsters' arms were coming towards him at full speed.

"Dark Magician girl- do something!" Ana screamed.

By the time her monster came to aid, they were both hit, but she got the worst of it and in did Ana.
Crying in pain, she still managed to run over to Yami and her monster, who vanished into white glitter.

"Yami, are you alright?" Ana asked, concerned.
"I'm fine, thank you for trying to save me" he said and managed to push himself up then help Ana to her feet.

"A ruler who refused to make goods use of his subjects doesn't deserve to have any in the first place"
"You can't not my friends!" Yami exclaimed.

But Alexander didn't listen, and his monster knocked everyone down one by one.

"Oh no" Ana gasped.

Yami then stood protectively before her.

"Yami you can't give anymore, you have nothing else" Ana pleaded.

He then disarmed from his Black Luster Soldier, and each of his monsters would stand by to protect all of his fallen friends.

"Ana, I'm sorry I don't have enough to protect you" Yami apologised.
"I don't need protecting Yami, I'm going to be here to help you" Ana responded and lightly punched his arm.

Yami ordered his monsters to protect them all, but Kuriboh stayed back to protect Ana and Yami.

"Forget about us Yug- if that walking trash can defeats you- he gets the power to destroy the entire world" Joey called out.
"You got better things to worry about- don't waste all your energy on us" Tristan added.
"Take your monsters back and win this fight!" Tea begged.
"No!" Yami screamed.

Suddenly Yugi appeared and turned to his friends.

"Look guys, there's no way I'm going to leave you- you're my best friends!" Yugi screamed.

Alexander didn't care and instead fired a massive attack right at Yugi, Ana help her breath and closer her eyes as she stood with Kuriboh to protect him.

"NO!" everyone shouted.

But just as the attack impacted, flashed of coloured light beamed up from all the team's fallen monsters, it all pooled into Yugi, who was once again transformed into Yami, wearing such an elaborate armour that was covered in red energy.

"Yugi merged together with each one of our monsters!" Joey observed.

With this power- Yami wasted no time in attacking Alexander, which resulted in him having to fall right below Yami's feet.

"Never again shall you harm a single person- not even your own disciples!" Yami called out.

Suddenly there was a bright flash, and everyone found themselves floating once again in the starry space sky.

"What happened?" Ana asked confused.
"did we just lose?" Tristan asked.
"I'm sure there's an explanation"

Then Shadi had appeared, summarising what had happened, and that Yami was fit to be called the true king, he then presenting him with a glowing orb, asking him to take the power.
But Yami refused, he did not wish to have it, Shadi expected as much, knowing that a true king would be able to do so without it.

And with that they all suddenly found themselves back in the pyramid before the door.

"We're back in the pyramid" Tea observed.
"Dr Brisbane" Mr Mouto called out and rushed to his side as he lay there passed out.

Suddenly from his body emerged Alexander- his good half.
With great gratitude he thanked them for setting him free, and with that he and his followers all vanished into the air.

"I'm gonna miss him" Tea smiled.

Suddenly the earth started shaking, and with great haste everyone ran out of the pyramid and watched as it sank into the ground.

"I guess the pyramid served it's purpose" Mr Mouto explained.
"So much for new finding to take back to the museum" Ana whined.
"Seriously?" Tea said, unimpressed.
"Hey, you kids, are you from that plane that crashed an hour ago?!" called out by a man on the ledge above them.
"Um yeah..." Tristan responded.
"Actually, they're right, time stood still for us" Tea said, glancing at her watch.
"Miss Starline!" called out her pilot.

Ana then looked up and sighed.

"Oh thank goodness" Ana said.
"Who's that?" Tea asked.
"My pilot- I#m on my way to India for a conference, and to turn down a wedding proposal" she winked.
"Whoa- what?!" Joey yelled.
"Oh, calm down, it's nothing important" Ana giggled.

The group then proceeded to go back to where their transport were.

"Why are you backing out...?" Yugi asked, curiously.
"I've fallen in love with someone else- so I can't well marry someone I don't love" she smiled and blushed.
"Really- who is it?!" Tristan asked.
"No one you'd be interested in" Ana teased.
"Are you gonna come back to Japan?" Tea asked.
"I'll be back not long after this meeting, you guys take care and I'll see you all soon" she smiled and waved.

Without saying anything else, she followed her pilot to the plane, and they boarded and proceeded on their journey to India.
During her flight however, she couldn't help but think about all that had happened...the journey was amazing, but everything she felt in that world- especially in regards to helping Yami, those feelings...were no longer there...the only person on her mind and in her heart was Seto...whom she certainly couldn't wait to get back to. 

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