Chapter 66- Capsule Monsters 1

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"Can't believe my luck, nearly in the area then poof, bloody plane. Pilot- how long till we can get moving?" Ana asked in frustration.
"No idea yet Miss Starline, something is blocking our connections" the pilot responded.

Ana was on her way to India as agreed by her mother to meet with the company her mother had mentioned. Her mother had gone ahead, and Ana was set to meet her at the Dubai airport.
But on the way her mini private plane was forced to land due to lack of function/communications.
She had informed Seto that her trip back to Japan would be delayed due to additional work she had to do for her own company, so she had been gone for a month or so already.
But when possible, they were calling and exchanging emails like love struck teenagers.
Annoyed with the situation and with very little else she decided to go for a walk.

"Oh well, I'm gonna wander around for a bit, I'll be back" she informed the pilot.
"Miss Starline, is that wise?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine; it'll be like a safari2 she responded and made her way into a forest.

"Well it's pretty here" she said to herself and continued on her way.

A bit of time had passed and not much appeared to be around in the area.

"Oh my God!" she gasped

Ana came to a hillside that was on the edge of the forest, it surrounded like a wall, and in the middle was an Egyptian pyramid. She slid down the hill until she was on a path to the pyramid.

"We're basically in India, how the hell did this get here?!" Ana questioned, confused.

"This is really old...well around what 333BC or something around that" she said aloud to herself, while looking around.

"Impressive dedication"
"Bloody hell!" Ana gasped.

She returned her attention to ahead of her, there she saw a tall, blonde hair, blue eyes man; he had a British accent and was holding a torch.

"Who are you?" she asked.
"Dr Alexander Brisbane," he introduced himself.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" she added, then took a step back.
"I'm here with my mentor and colleague, we're investigating the origin of this pyramid" he explained.

The excused seemed plausible, but Ana was still suspicious.

"Where's your partner?"
"Just here, we're going to explore it, Dr please come here" Dr Brisbane called out.

Ana's eyes widened and she smiled so happy to see a familiar face.

"My Mouto?!"
"Anastasia" he chuckled and smiled.

They both shook hands to greet each other.

"Friend of your Dr?" Dr Brisbane asked, confused.
"Alex, this is Miss Anastasia Starline, a friend of my Grandson Yugi" Mr Mouto explained.
"Starline, as in enterprises?"
"Yes actually" Ana responded.
"you curate the British Museum!" he exclaimed and ran to hold her hands.
"Well more or less, yes" she chuckled and pulled her hands back.
"You'll both be famous for this find, and I'll back it up"
"Would you like to join us?" Mr Mouto asked.
"Oh, I'd love to" she beamed.

With that Ana followed the Drs into the pyramid, it was cool inside with a musty smell lingering all over the place.
They navigated through booby traps and tunnels all covered in dust and cobwebs.

"This place is amazing" Ana gasped.
"It certainly is" Dr Brisbane agreed.

Soon they came to a set of stairs, some going up and a set going down.

"Why don't you both check down there, I'll go upstairs"
"Alright" Mr Mouto agreed.

Ana followed Mr Mouto carefully down the stairs.

"Wow this room is massive!" she exclaimed.
"You seem excited" Mr Mouto chuckled.
"I don't normally get to go on excavations, I love Egyptian history, this is so amazing!"

Ana then paused and pointed in front of them.

"What's that thing?" she asked.

Mr Mouto shined his flash light and it revealed that there was a huge map-like design on the majority of the floor in the room.
It showed an ocean, rivers, mountains, forests and a dessert.

"It could be some type of floor art" My Mouto explained.
"Interesting art, it's even got a frame. And the map appears to be drawn onto multiple floor a giant chess board sort of thing. This could have been used for a game years ago" Ana pointed out.

She then looked up and pointed, there was a balcony all around the upper part of the room.

"Look, a set of stairs on the other side. If we go up we can get a better view of this picture" she suggested.

The pair took a step onto the picture, but in that instant, there was a blinding flash of white light. They both screamed as they suddenly felt themselves falling, suddenly everything went black.
Some time had passed, and Ana stirred awake.

"What the hell happened?" she groaned and sat up.

She looked to see Mr Mouto nearby, she gently began to shake him awake but he didn't move, luckily, he was breathing.

"Where are we?" she said and began looking around, realising they were in a forest.
"What the..." she trailed off.

A device was on her arm and a strange belt around her waist.

"What the hell is this accessory?"

Suddenly she fell silent, she could hear rumbling, she took a step towards Dr Mouto to try and wake him. But two huge rolling insects appeared.

Ana gasped and began running.

"I need to try and help him!" she panted.

Ana dived into a cave and screamed as she instead found herself sliding down a tunnel. A light came into view; fearful of falling she managed to hold onto the edge of the end of the tunnel.
There she found herself hanging several feet above a beach.

"What the hell...?"

Ana glanced up and gasped once more, this tock she held onto began glowing and cracking.

"Oh, for God's sake" she groaned and was forced to let go, thankfully she landed on the soft white sand.

A ball of white light emerged from the rock she held onto, and it began manifesting, taking shape, when the light evaporated- she was shocked to see that before her was Blue eyes white Dragon.

"Oh, my God" she gasped in fear

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