Chapter 35

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"Hello Princess" Ishizu greeted Ana.
"Hello Ishizu" she responded.
"Hey Ana!" Mokuba smiled and walked by her side.

Once in the tower they all took the lift to the top, on their way Ana couldn't help but mostly stare at Kaiba. He was just a puzzle, what exactly does he really want out of life; what is his problem?
The way he carried on sometimes he would have some sort of multiple personality disorder, at one point he glanced at Ana, catching her off guard she simply smiled and swiftly looked away.
Once at the top they saw everyone was ready and waiting for the Duel to start. 

"The final of the Battle City Tournament is about to begin!" Roland announced.
"Hold on Yugi! I've got something you need" Kaiba said.
"Really, and what's that Kaiba?" Yami replied.

In a dramatic fashion, Kaiba threw a card to Yami, who caught it; but gazed at it with slight confusion.

"What is the meaning of this Kaiba?" Yami asked.
"That's for you to figure out! Yugi, if you want to win this Duel, you'll use that card; instead of counting on the support of your little fan club!" Kaiba responded.
"What does that mean?!" Tristan exclaimed.
"Doesn't he get that we're all fighting the same enemy?!" Tea yelled.
"He did give Yugi that card" Duke said.
"Yea, but I don't trust him. If I were you I'd toss that card right off the tower Yugi!" Joey yelled.
"Look Yugi, no one said you had to use the card so feel free to give it back" Kaiba simply said. Yami said nothing and shuffled it into his deck.

He then glanced over and Ana smiled up at him, and fluttered her eyes lightly.

"No! What are you doing Yugi?!" Joey exclaimed in disbelief.
"Kaiba, we may not always agree, but I still trust you" Yami smiled.
"He really is something else" Ana whispered.


Again, like every bloody Duel, in this whole dramatic excuse for a tournament. A mass amount of drama, horror, mini games and tension fuelled the battle, combined with one too many close calls. Not forgetting that Malik had turned the match into a shadow game.
Of which Yugi was drawn out of the puzzle as had Marik's better half, they were both forced into the danger of the shadows consuming at least one of them as the duel progressed. With great surprise and even greater admiration for loyalty, Odieon- despite his condition- had forced himself up to the Duel Tower.
This act of loyalty and devotion greatly helped Yami, for through Odeon's support Marik's good side was able to regain control of his body- forcing his evil half to take his place as the bound victim for the shadows to consume instead. But the Duel only ended with Marik surrendering to Yami and forfeiting.
Marik continued to apologise to the Pharaoh for resenting his role as a tomb keeper and causing so much suffering.
Which in return, had freed everyone Malik had banished to the shadow realm- so both Mai and Bakura would recover. In a rather weird turn of events Marik removed his shirt to reveal to Yami the secrets of the Pharaohs power, that was on his back.
Finally he handed Yami the Millennium Rod and Ring.
But Kaiba being Kaiba had announced that in 1hr the whole duelling tower was set to self-destruct. Naturally everyone was panicked but wasted no time running down to the blimp. All except Mokuba and Kaiba- who knows where they went to.
Not drawing attention to herself, Ana slipped away into her room.

"Well, it's over, that whole save the world battle, now I can return to London and get on with my life!" Ana sighed and fell back onto her bed.
"This has been quite an experience, hope it never bloody happens again"

Suddenly there was a hard banging on her door.

"No peace for me" she groaned and dragged herself to the door.
"Miss Starline, the ship won't take off and Mr Kaiba and Mokuba aren't around" Roland explained.
"That's weird, where's everyone else?" Ana asked.
"Yugi and his friends went to look for them" he replied.
"I see...well what reason have we to-"

Another guard ran over and pulled Roland away mid-sentence, Ana sighed then ran outside.

"Morons! Don't panic! Just use the other copter! The one we used to signal for help earlier" Ana screamed at them in frustration.

Realising she left her things in her room she ran back and grabbed her bags, in no time she returned to the copter just in time to meet with Yami and his friends.

"Ana! There you are, what are you doing?" Yami asked.
"I'd ask you all the same thing- get your arses on that copter!" she yelled.
"Why didn't we think of that?" Joey realised.
"Come on!" Joey called out.

Soon everyone piled in- but there was still no sign of Kaiba or Mokuba.

"Let's hope Mr Kaiba and Mokuba found their own way out" Roland said, worried.

Ana however, wasn't too worried, except having 30 seconds and counting to escape.
She stood by a window and watched as the island crumbled.
Suddenly a huge Dragon appeared but in fact it was a Blue-Eye aircraft.

"What a show off!" Ana sighed.
"Where does he get this stuff?" Tristan asked, amazed.
"Who cares?" Tea groaned and rolled her eyes.
"You mean to tell me they were safe all along?!" Joey screamed.
"Let's just be glad it's over" Duke reassured everyone.

Joey in rage ran to the control room and picked up a radio.

"You think it's funny that we almost became fish food down there?! Wait till we land this thing!" Joey screamed.

Ana then made her way to the control room too.

"Sorry Joey, but we're not going back with you. We've got important Kaiba Corp Business to take care of" Mokuba explained.
"Oh yeah? What you planning, another tournament?" Joey asked.
"You'll just have to wait and see Wheeler" Kaiba responded.
"Hold it Mr Kaiba! What about me?! We have a contract!" Ana exclaimed.
"A limo will pick you up from the docks, it'll take you back to the mansion, the maids packed your things, so you can leave when you're ready" Kaiba explained.
"Oh, and the Duel against the Battle City Winner?" she added.
"Well you don't have to else do it in your own time I'll put the payment for your contract through later" Kaiba replied.
"Oh, alright, well take care Seto, call me sometime" Ana simply said.
"Bye Ana!"Mokuba called out and waved.
"Bye Mokuba, take care"

Ana turned to the window and smiled at Kaiba who actually smiled back.She then went back into the main part of the copter and sat on a seat under the windows.

"Now I can go home and relax" she sighed.
"Ana?" said Yami.

Ana looked up to meet with violet eyes.

"Hi Pharaoh" she smiled.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you, you?"
"I'm fine" he smiled back.

Slightly dull and nervous small talk to say the least.

" have all 3 Egyptian God Cards, any idea what you have to do with them?" Ana asked.
"Not really, but I feel he answer is back at the museum" Yami replied.
"Well I really hope you find what you're looking for"
"Ana without your help I doubt I would be here" he praised her.
"You're the one who fought to get here, I didn't do anything" she lightly laughed.

Yami smiled and held her left hand.

"I'm grateful to you Ana, which is why I must ask if you would accompany me to the museum" he pleaded.

Ana held his hand back, sighed and smiled.

"Yami, I don't think I should get more involved in this. I don't fully know how true it is that I'm part of it- but I have a life back in London. I need to go back" she explained.
"I understand" he replied.
"You'll stay in contact right?" she asked.
"Most certainly" he smirked.

Ana then reached into her bag and pulled out a business card, she scribbled down her personal email and number.

"I look forward to hearing from you" she winked.
"We have arrived" Roland announced.

The copter landed and everyone got out, Ana then saw the limo waiting for her.

"Well goodbye everyone, it's been such a pleasure" she politely said. "Princess, aren't you staying?" Ishizu asked.
"No, I'm going home" she plainly said.

Finally she waved to everyone and drove back to the Kaiba mansion, for tomorrow afternoon she'd be on the first flight home.

"This has been exciting, but I have a life of my own, I don't doubt what has happened but...I can't keep focusing on a 5000-year-old fairy tale. Besides if Kaiba is going ahead with that theme park I got a sneak peek at, then I need to start some project that will keep me matched against this rival company" she thought to herself.

Life was back to normal, Ana learned new things and made new friends. But she certainly couldn't wait to hear from Yami again.

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