Chapter 29

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"Seto, I feel bad for Noah, but I still don't trust this boy" she said.
"Neither do I, but we don't seem to have much choice" he replied.

He was right, so unable to do much else they continued to follow this shady boy through the rocky caves Yami slowed his pace and walked alongside Kaiba, also echoing Ana's same concern.

"Kaiba, something is not right" Yami whispered.

Kaiba glanced down at Yami.

"I think Noah is lying to us, he's not to be trusted" Yami advised.
"Why don't you try telling me something I don't already know Yugi?" Kaiba scoffed.
"If you're so sure this is a trick why are you following him?" Yami asked.
"I was always taught to keep my enemies close by" Kaiba simply replied.

Noah then lead everyone outside to a canyon type place, by now Yami and Yugi had switched places.

"Alright, where is this exit already?" Joey asked.
"There" Noah pointed.

Everyone saw a wall of cinder blocks that framed around a large double wooden door.

"Your freedom lies beyond this door. Once you walk through, you'll wake up in the real world" Noah explained.
"I don't know about this guy" Tea said uneasily.

The doors opened, and a blinding flash of light appeared.

"The real world is just beyond these doors" Noah said.

Suddenly everything felt absorbed in.

Next thing Ana knew she was strapped into a chair just like at the dock when Marik's men kidnapped her.

" again! I can't still be here!" she screamed.

Another blinding flash and she suddenly found yourself with Yugi and his friends.

"We've been tricked!" Joey screamed.
"Oh no, Mokuba and Seto they're gone!" Ana exclaimed in a panic.

Looking around Ana then saw that she was in a virtual version of Domino City.

"We have to find him. I can't even imagine anything bad happening to that poor little boy" she said, worried.
"That scrawny little twerp double crossed us again! I knew we shouldn't 'a trusted him! Now he's toast!" Joey screamed.
"Wait Joey, we have to come up with a plan that makes sense" Yugi suggested.
"We have to find Noah and find the way out of here!" Ana advised.

Suddenly an army of monsters appeared all around them.

"We're surrounded, there's no way out!" Tea cried.

A monster attempted to attack Serenity, but Joey leapt before her and in that instant Yugi summoned Curse of Dragon to defend them both. Which oddly worked, of which Joey summoned his 'Axe Raider'

"I want to play too!" Ana cheekily said and summoned her 'Dark Magician Girl'.

But the fighting was slowly wearing down and stronger monsters were also appearing again. At one point it seemed like you won so you ran into an alley.

"Are those Monsters coming back?" Serenity asked, nervously.
"Don't worry Serenity, it seems like we're safe for now- or not!" Duke yelled.

A monster then appeared behind them all and Ana lead the other guys away while Yugi and Joey stayed behind to fight.

"This is ridiculous, we are getting nowhere fast!" Ana yelled.
"We'll figure it out, we have to!" Tea yelled back.
"I summon 'Dark Magician'!" Yugi called out.
"I summon 'Rocket Warrior'!" said Joey.
"I better help- Let's go 'Summoned Skull'!" Ana called out.

Upon destroying the creatures Ana could suddenly hear Noah's voice.

"Attention! Can you hear me?! This is important!" said Noah.
"It's Noah!" Yugi said."A'right! Get down here ya little twerp!" Joey threatened.
"This is a warning to all of you! Look the virtual world you're all in is about to be destroyed!"
"Say what?! I knew we couldn't trust him! But I never thought he'd destroy the place!" Duke panicked.
"You better let us outta here Noah!" Tea screamed.

Ana then noted the tone of Noah's voice. Something was...different. It wasn't a threat, but it sounded like a genuine warning.

"I'm so sorry for the way I treated you all! But now a satellite is set to destroy the main Computer system. When that computer shuts down the virtual world will collapse! You must escape, or your minds will be lost forever!" Noah urged.

Everyone gasped in horror.

"Dear God!" Ana gasped.
"Listen I can help; the only exit is in the Domino Arcade. Hurry! Time is running out!" Noah explained.
"Can we trust him?" Tea questioned, unsure.
"I think so" Ana replied.

Without another word Ana made a run for it and everyone followed behind her.

"You believe him?!" Joey screamed.
"As if we have a bloody choice" she screamed back, and continued running.
"Oh no behind us!" Yugi yelled.

Looking back they were being chased by monsters again.

"There's no way we'll outrun them" Yugi realised.
"Then you guys go! And we'll stay and fight!" Joey said.
"No, I'm not going without you Joey!" Serenity urged.
"Just go sis! Tea and Ana help my sister find that exit!" Joey pleaded.
"Let's get going, we'll meet you guys there soon" Tea said, then made off with Serenity and Tristan.
"Ana- go!" Joey urged.
"Nice try, you guys wouldn't be able to cope without me. So, I'm staying and fighting!" Ana smirked.

When the creatures were destroyed, Joey and Duke ran to the stage in the Arcade and were uploaded.

"Yugi, wait I have a favour" Noah called out to Yugi.

In that instant Ana also stopped- realising Kaiba and Mokuba weren't here, she then turned to Yugi as she heard Noah speaking once more.

"Seto is trapped in a Duel with Gorzoboro, you have to find him" Noah begged.
"How do I do that?" Yugi asked.
"I'll create a virtual shortcut for you to reach him. He's in Kaiba Corp Headquarters" Noah explained.
"Alright- Ana go back!" Yugi urged.
"No, I won't leave a friend behind" she replied.
 "Go through that door and you'll find Seto" Noah explained.

Then an intricate wooden door appeared and they both went through it.

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