A New Project

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"My gosh my back is killing me!" Ana groaned as she arrived home.

She had spent the morning out the house, shopping in town and just enjoying the day.
After entering the house, she plopped onto the sofa and let out a tired sigh.

"Oh hey Ana"

Turning to the side she saw Mokuba.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" she asked with a smile.
"I'm good, where've you been all morning?"
"Just in town, shopping, which reminds me, I have a gift for your brother, where is he?" Ana responded.

Mokuba then motioned his head towards the stairs.

"In his office, think he's answering mails and getting flustered" Mokuba replied.
"Why...?" Ana questioned.
"He wants to start a new project but has no idea what to do it on" Mokuba explained
"Well I've been fiddling with a concept, but maybe now would be a good chance to run it by him" she smiled.

Gathering her things, Ana made her way upstairs, she went to Seto's office an knocked on the door.

"Come in" said a voice inside.

Ana pushed the door open and popped her head inside.

"Hiya hun" she sweetly smiled.
"Ana there you are, where have you been?"
"Shopping my love, how's your day going?" she asked.

Ana then came in, shutting the door behind her.

"It's fine just racking my brain" he responded.
"Yeah, Mokuba was saying, but before addressing that, I got you a little something" she continued, then walked towards Seto as he sat at his desk.

"Oh, and what would that be?" he coyly asked, then pulled her into his lap.

Ana giggled and pulled him into a sweet kiss, she then reached into her bag and pulled out a box.

"Our latest phone, not even on the shelf yet, and I wanted my husband to have the first one" she smiled and handed him the box.
"Wow, thanks hun, what's special about this model then?"
"Well, I would say it certainly is unique" she responded.

Ana jumped off Seto and sat on the edge of his desk, watching as he opened the box.
Once he removed the lid, he was confused, then shocked as he looked up at Ana.

"Yes hun"
"Are you-"
"So we- that is- I am...?"
"Yes and yes"
"Oh my God- this is amazing!" he screamed and tightly embraced her.
"How's that for a new project" Ana joked.

Seto smirked and passionately kissed her.

"I'd say that is the best project ever, how far are you?" he asked, looing down at her tummy.
"Only 2 months" she replied.

Unable to help himself he pulled Ana into another kiss and rested his head against her.

"Wait, so during the wedding-"
"Yeah I was, which would have explained the vomiting" Ana chuckled.

suddenly her expression changed and she ran to Seto's office bathroom, upon the slamming of the door all he could hear was her retching.

"Oh dear" Seto gasped.

Eventually it stopped and Ana came out.

"Funny how morning sickness can hit any time" Seto joked.

Ana narrowed her eyes and scowled.

"Yeah, it's bloody hilarious!" she sarcastically remarked and stormed out of the office.
"Mood swings...oh this might be a painful 8 months for all of us" Seto sighed and fell back into his chair.

His eyes fell upon the box, and he looked once more at the test that was inside.

"But it's going to be worth it, I'm going to be a father" he smiled to himself. 

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