Chapter 17

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As expected, Kaiba overcame Ishizu's predictions, of which she claimed was shown to her by her Millennium item- the Millennium necklace- which shocked her as Kaiba should not have won.Once victorious everyone left the arena, Ana however rushed to her room and began pondering once more over the match.

"This is not what I expected once I signed that contract" she sighed and laid back on her bed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, irritated she rolled off the bed and went to answer it. To her surprise, she saw Ishizu standing there.

"Good evening Princess, may I come in?" she politely asked.
"Sure, but I'm not a Princess" Ana responded and stepped aside, Ishizu wondered inside and sat on one of the sofas.
"I see you are in doubt much like Kaiba"
"I don't doubt to believe, I will simply observe. You played well, but Kaiba has always been one to forge his own destiny" Ana explained, followed by a moment of silence.
"I shall take my leave; however, I will tell you two things. 1- as I've told Kaiba, don't fight your past. And 2- I wonder are you in love with Kaiba?" Ishizu asked, cheekily.
"Ishizu this is nonsense, it is only a business partnership. Nothing else, not that it is of any of your concern" Ana rebuffed.
"Very well...good luck, but remember, the Pharaoh will need your help" Ishizu finalised and walked out.

Ana then returned to her bed and laid down once more.

"This is so frustrating, why couldn't this be a normal tournament like Magic the Gathering" she sighed.

In the meantime, everyone else had retired to their rooms for the night.
Ideally tomorrow they would all arrive at where the semi-finals and finals would be held.
Kaiba, Yami, Joey and Malik were the last duellists left, this would be quite intense; especially since 3 of them each possessed an Egyptian God Card.
During the night however, Ana became anxious and restless in light of the matches tomorrow- despite her not even competing in them, unable to settle herself she got up from her bed and decided to go for a walk around.

"You know you're depressed or frustrated when you think of work when you're not meant to be working" she sighed and began to make her way up to the duelling platform.

However, to her surprised someone was already there...and using it. The same purple smog that surrounded Yugi and Bakura during their match had engulfed the platform giving it that same eerie feel from earlier.

"Another Shadow Game...but no one should be here" she whispered.

Soon the smoke began to clear, and Ana decided it was best to run away quickly. So, she went into the main concourse and hid in the room, there she remained silent for a few moments before deciding it was safe enough to return to her room.

"Malik most likely had something to do with that" she said to herself.

Cautiously she peered into the hallway, thankfully no one was there, so with great haste she swiftly went back to her room, but upon opening the door she was shocked to see Malik there sitting on the sofa; as though he had been waiting for her.

"Why...why are you here?" she demanded.
"To see you Ana, you seemed so curious watching my duel just now, I hoped you want to see more" he slyly replied.
"I only want you to leave" she sternly responded.
"Ana, you don't want to know about why you are truly involved in all this?" he coaxed her.

Ana paused for a moment and sighed.

"I'm not that curious, now please leave my room"

Malik smirked as he stood up from the chair.

"Very well, but a time will come when you will want to know" he responded, then slowly walked passed her, but stopped in the doorway.
"I will take you from the Pharaoh" he whispered.

As soon as he was gone Ana locked her door and sat on the edge of her bed...eventually she drifted off to a somewhat restless night sleep, greatly anticipating the duels and drama ahead of them all tomorrow.

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