Chapter 28

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"My father's gone for now, but you have to escape quickly, and I know the way out so follow me!" Noah urged.
"And why should we believe you Noah?" Joey questioned rightly.
"What choice do we have?" Duke admitted, defeated.

Noah then led them all into a cave, it was dark and eerie, but they really had no choice but to follow.
Oddly enough Ana sensed something off in Noah, something appeared to have changed within him.

"There it is!" Noah pointed out.

Then what appeared to be a large control panel came into view.

"Oh, never mind, this one of several remote network stations built by my father. It can give us access to all the programs emergency exits. But it seems my father has locked the system and closed off every exit to stop us from escaping. When he showed up again after 6 years, he promised to help me. But he was lying. My father was using me" Noah whimpered.

It was in that second did Ana really see Noah for what he was a spoiled, abused and neglected child who was deprived the chance to live.

"Noah, are you ok? Noah?" Mokuba asked, concerned.
"Are you sure there are no other exits around here?" Joey asked, sceptically.
"Yeah maybe there's a way out of here you're not thinking of" Tea encouraged.
"I've had enough of this monkey business, I wanna wake up in my own body!" Tristan yelled.
"We gotta stop his old man from digitizing the whole world" Joey urged.
"Every virtual reality system has more than one emergency exit! So why don't you try thinking harder Noah!" Kaiba exclaimed.
"What's wrong Seto, don't you want to stay a while; we won't be alone in this virtual world for much longer. My father said he's bringing the whole world in here, that means I'll never have to be alone again. We'll be one big happy family" Noah laughed in amusement

Suddenly Mokuba ran over and began shaking Noah who appeared to be mentally lost.

"Noah stop, you've gotta get a hold of yourself, you're in danger too. And we all must escape together now.
"Wait a second, something has just occurred to me, and there is one more escape route here" Noah realised.
"What is it?!" Joey yelled.
"Tell me!" Kaiba demanded.
"You can use a doorway I created, and it leads directly to the real world. I'm quite sure my father has no idea that it exists. You can escape and warn the world of his plan" Noah explained.
"That what are we waiting for, let's go!" Joey exclaimed.
"Very well, follow me" Noah instructed.

Ana then stood right by Kaiba and began whispering to him.

"Seto, I feel bad for Noah, but I still don't trust this boy" she said.
"Neither do I, but we don't seem to have much choice" he replied.

He was right, so unable to do much else they continued to follow this shady boy.

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