Chapter 92

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With the guidance of his father, and help from Yugi having brought the God Cards, Yami extended his right hand.

"Now Gods of Egypt- I revive thee!" he called out.

Then, from Yugi's Duel Disk, three beams of light- Red, Yellow and Blue shot out and channelled their way into the ashy bodied of the fallen Gods.
Each one became consumed by light and soon emerged fully powered and healed.

"You tried this last time and failed!" Zorc called out.
"Yes but last time there was something I did not try- merging them together!" he announced.

With a confident smile on his face he held his head high.

"I give you the creature of light!" Yami announced.

The Goddess like creature then formed a ball of light that pierced Zorc with such immense power, and from that he corroded away.
The sky was once more a stunning blue and the sun in all its warmth and glory illuminated the skies once more.
With that the beautiful creature of light faded away.

"So that's it, the big shot Lord of Darkness is gone?" Tristan asked.
"Yup, thanks to this even bigger shot" Joey pointed out.

Everyone looked up at the supernatural being in awe.

"And we can't forget to thank the Pharaoh- uh I mean..." Tea began.
"Atem" Tristan finished.
"That's gonna take some getting used to" Joey added.
"How cool, after all these years we finally know your name!" Yugi smiled.
"I know and it's all thanks to you- Ana!" Atem called out.

Everyone then turned their attention to the fallen Queen, the first at her side was Kaiba who was holding her in his arms like a broken doll.

"Is she?" Atem asked.
"She's gone" Kaiba whispered.

He then closed his eyes and rested his forehead on hers.
However as soon as this had happened...there was a small ball of gold light that emerged from the sky, it then began circling around Ana, suddenly it then landed on her chest and merged into her body.

"What's happening guys?" Tea asked, confused.

Suddenly Ana's eyes fluttered open.

"Ana!" everyone called out.
She stood up from the ground and smiled at her friends, Kaiba tightly embraced her and kissed her head.

"Thank God you're alright" he gasped.

He then looked in her eyes, but was confused...something was wrong, something was different.
Ana moved away from Kaiba then made her way towards Atem, she then tightly embraced him and gently kissed him on the lips.

"What the?!" Joey exclaimed.
"A...Ana?!" Yami asked.

Ana remained silent and shook her head with a smile.

"Shanti?" he asked.

Her smile widened as she held his hands.

"Welcome back my love, I have missed you so much" she said.

Everyone was completely confused by all this.

"What is going on here, Ana explain yourself!" Kaiba demanded.
"I am not Ana- my name is Shanti, Queen of Egypt and wife to the great King Atem, Son of Aknamkanon" she responded.
"So're my real wife?" Yami asked as he held her hand tightly.
"I am my darling, I don't expect you to recall this, but 5000 years ago when you battled evil, we made a last minute agreement, with the use of my spells, you sealed your name away to seal Zorc away, and I sealed my soul, along with our child, to guard your name...the only other place aside from your tomb where your name resided was in my necklace, the only place you sought it to have been safe to be" Shanti explained.

Atem's eyes welled with tears.

"So I have been with my true love this whole time?" Yami asked.
"The girl you all know as Ana, was my vessel, a descendent, she had kept this locket with her for years, and thus the most important secret in Egyptian history" Shanti summarised.
"That is so romantic" Tea cooed.
"Yeah, kinda sweet" Joey agreed.
"So what will happen now?" Yugi asked.
"Wait for the next bad guy I assume" Atem responded.
"No my love, you have already defeated the darkness, but you do have one more task before your soul can rest in peace, and join us in the afterlife, you will soon know what that is" Shanti replied.
"Thank you" he smiled.

Shanti then kissed Atem once more with great passion.

"Ahem!" Kaiba coughed aloud.
"What about Ana?" Tea asked.

Shanti then smiled and graced her hand over Atem's face.

"We shall see each other soon my love, but for now, I give you your friend back" she said, then the gold ball of light that entered Ana, emerged once more and flew into the sky heading towards the valley of the kings.

Ana's body remained suspended, but just as she was about to fall Kaiba ran over and caught her in time.

"Ana?" he said.

Seconds later her eyes opened once more.

"Kaiba?" she asked.
"You're alive" he sighed.
"Apparently" she smiled, then tightly embraced him.

Everyone was full of smiles knowing they were all alright.

"Are you ok Atem?" Tea asked.
"I am, but it does feel strange, I finally feel like my own person" Yami responded.
"When are you geeks gonna give it a rest?" Kaiba asked as he helped Ana up.
"When you stop acting like everything is a magic trick" Tristan responded. "
"And you can't deny this one, I mean how do you explain that fact that there are two Yugi's standing here?" Joey asked with a smile.
"Maybe there is some truth to this junk" Kaiba admitted.
"Huh, Kaiba just admitted all this was real!" Joey exclaimed.
"Nice try, I just said all this was a mind trick" Kaiba rebuffed.
"What, no- you guys heard him admit it was all real right?" Joey asked.
"Nope" everyone responded in unison.

Ana then linked arms with Kaiba and rested her head on his arm.

"God, I'm so tired" she sighed.
"Ana, we need to return to the palace to straighten things out" Atem advised.
"She doesn't need to go anywhere with you" Kaiba defended.
"Calm down- I'll be back" she replied.

With that the pair headed to the palace once more, were they joined Priest Seto, as he was overlooking the kingdom.

"It won't be easy, but this kingdom shall return to its former glory; and you will see to it that this occurs Seto" Atem said.
"What?" Seto replied.
"We shall be leaving this world Seto, and you will be taking the throne, looks like you're going to be the King of Egypt now" Ana explained.
"But after everything we've been through- this kingdom needs a strong leader to move us ahead!" Seto pleaded.
"And who better than you?" Yami smiled.

Just then Atem began slowly fading away into a ghost like form.

"Are you alright?" Seto asked.
"Yes, I shall soon join the Pharaoh's that came before me and you shall rebuild the land of Egypt, trust the light in your soul" Atem responded.

Seto smiled and lightly blushed knowing Atem was speaking of Kisara, finally Yami removed his puzzle and handed it to Seto, proof that he was King.
Together they joined their friends, and looked to the sky as they were levitated up to the pyramid...then vanished into the light. 

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