Chapter 70- Capsule Monsters 5

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The group entered through the glowing door to find themselves in the middle of the desert.

"What a weird place" Ana commented glancing around.
"Well now what do we do?" Joey asked.
"Well standing here isn't gonna help" Tea said.

With that they all continued to walk forwards, but Joey ran ahead and slipped falling down a sand hill.
And a few feet away were tents, maybe the answer they sought was there.
The group walked through and saw the habitants were hiding from them in their tents.

"We've been waiting for you" said a little Asian girl with black hair and blue eyes, with a pentagonal pendant around her neck.
"What do you mean by waiting?" Joey asked nervously.
"Follow me and you'll see" the little girl responded.

With little choice they followed her to a tent with an open panel, she motioned for them to enter first, of which they did.
She then followed in and went to the head of the room where an old man sat.

He remained silent as she whispered to him, he then raised his hands and manifested a scroll.
The little girl took the scroll and handed it to Yugi who opened it.

"The elder wants you to have this, it will guide you on your journey" she explained.

Mr Mouto looked over Yugi's shoulder and translated the message.

"Trail number 1: Silence the whisper that rides the desert wind" he read aloud.
"This must be the first test" Yugi realised.
"Turn back!" called out a raspy female voice from outside.
" that's..." Tea began.
"The whisper that rides the wind" the little girl responded.
"Guess we better find out where it's coming from" Yugi suggested.
"I was afraid you'd say that" Tristan commented.

Tea then approached the little girl.

"Any last words of advice before we go out there?" Tea nervously asked.
"Yes, as we have learned from our last visitor, the answer lies in the eye of the storm" the little girl responded.
"Last visitor?" Ana responded.
"You mean there were people before us?" Yugi asked.
"Only one other person has ever come through here, but that was a long time ago" she responded.
"So, what happened" Yugi asked.
"We're better off not knowing" Tristan advised.

The little girl then removed the pendant from her neck and put it on Tea, explaining they would need it and that it's use would become clear when the time was right.

Suddenly cackling could be heard from outside, with that task in mind the group left the tent ready to take on their new challenge.
Together they ventured into the desert.

"How are we supposed to find some wanderin' voice that travels the wind?" Joey asked.
"Leave this place!" said the ghostly voice.
"Sounds close- over there!" Ana pointed.

But suddenly a medusa worm the size of a mountain erupted from the ground. Yugi switched with Yami and everyone summoned their monsters.
Flame swordsman missed in his attempt to attack and hid underground, suddenly it appeared behind them and Yami's monster- Dark Magician- who he had gained from the fortress- attacked and destroyed it.

"We passed the first test, right Yugi?" Joey asked.
"Wrong, listen" Yami said.

That same raspy voice could be heard, cackling at them.
Suddenly the earth shook and the sand  flew up as 5 worms appeared at once. Tea, Joey and Tristan managed to defeat 3, but more appeared.

"How can we defeat an enemy we can't see?" Joey yelled as the sand became more erratic.
It eventually became so strong, that it separated everyone from each other, they only had their monsters to defend them, but it was becoming difficult to even see them through the wild sand.

In fear from their lack of vision, Tristan and Joey's monsters attacked each other.

"Everyone, listen, hold your fire until the storm let's up or we'll destroy each other!" Yami instructed.
"The sands shall swallow you all" the voice threatened.

The sand storm instantly became stronger.

"Fools turn back I'm invincible!" the voice boasted.

Ana struggled against the wind much like the others, but was determined to find Yami and the others, so she and her Dark magician Girl began walking. As they did the voice of the wind seemed to be getting louder.

"The sand worms are a distraction; our true enemy is the source of the whisper that rides the desert wind" Yami called out.
"But where is it coming from?!" Tea asked.
"You're too late humans!" the voice cackled.
"Pharaoh, is that you?!" Ana called out, seeing a familiar silhouette.

The figure turned around and it was indeed him, he wrapped an arm around Ana's shoulder and held her hand.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.
"I've been better, anyway we need to find the eye of the storm like that girl said. That's where I think the voice is coming from" Ana explained.
"Then let's go!" Yami urged.

Just then Dark Magician and Dark magician girl took their masters above the storm, revealing a black sand tornado.

"That's it!" Ana exclaimed.

Dark Magician took Yami and Ana to the storm once more, in fear of losing their monsters they called them back.
But the others had been attacked already by the worms and were slowly turning to stone as a result.

"Now what?" Ana asked as she and Yami stood hand in hand.
"We better walk and hope we don't get hit" he responded.

So together they made a run towards the tornado, as they got closer, they could see a figure in the tornado.
Suddenly Yami fell on his front for a few seconds and then sprung up and summoned his magician.

"Join with me to become one!" Yami ordered.

And so, he did, he merged with his Dark Magician.

"What the?!" Ana exclaimed.

To say the least he looked more handsome.

"Stay here, I'll be back" he reassured her.

Yami then flew up and into the tornado, some time passed then the storm blew over and everything was calm once more.
Everyone joined together once more and turned to see Yami still in his Dark Magician Armour as he helped Ana to her feet.

"You did it!" she smiled.
"How'd you get those threads?" Joey asked.
"I merged with Dark Magician" Yami responded.
"How did you know to do that?" Ana asked.
"I was guided by a man wearing a mask" Yami explained.
"I didn't see anyone" Ana questioned.
"It was like a vision?" Yami responded

Suddenly the Armour vanished and Yami collapsed.

"Pharaoh!" Ana gasped and held him in her arms.

Shortly after, Yugi opened his eyes, realising that the battel did take it's toll, of which Mr Mouto noted that the Armour must have drained some of his energy also as a result.
Tea helped Yugi to his feet and when she did, one of the five shapes on the pendant lit up.
Then suddenly a door erupted from the sands, the group summarised that each time a challenge was completed the gem would glow and an entrance would appear to take them to the next level. Ready and willing, the group walked through.

"Whoever designed this game had a thing for bright lights" Joey complained.
"Yeah, but you gotta admit, it is dramatic" Tristan responded. 

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