Chapter 82

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Obelisk in all its terrible glory, and by Yami's command, he ordered it to attack...Bakura however did his best to defend the attack...he orders his Diabound to use the attack of White Lightning- that attack associated with only one creature- the Blue Eyes white Dragon.

There was a blinding flash of light as the titans clashed in their attack, but to the surprise of was a stalemate as both creature's ricochet back from the impact of the attack.
Seeing they were evenly matched, the monsters retreated.

"He withstood the assault of an Egyptian God" Seto observed.
"This isn't over Pharaoh" Bakura warned.

He then oddly turned his attention to Mahad, the guardian who possessed the Millennium Ring.

"And you, I believe it's Mahad, don't grow too fond of that item around your neck. I have, shall we say, a special attachment to the Millennium Ring. One time it was mine!" Bakura exclaimed.
"This item was created for me- so you lie!" Mahad rebuffed.
"But it is destined for me, in fact all 8 of the Millennium items have been fated to fall into my hands- that's right, don't think I didn't know about your beloved Princess back there, the gift was from the previous Pharaoh and the family I believe, as part of a wedding proposal" Bakura explained.

Swiftly Bakura ran back and jumped on his horse and riding out of the throne room with quick speed.

"We mustn't let him escape!" Aknadin called out and order the guards to follow.

Curious, both Ana and Yami ran towards a balcony, from there they were sadly able to see Bakura bypass the guards and escape unharmed.
As for the city, it was partially on fire, guards were sent to deal with the blazes and help the citizens.

"This is insane, we've been brought back here to relive all this?" Ana asked in frustration.
"It would seem so" Yami responded.

Ana sighed in frustration then glanced up at the her great surprise there was an upside down pyramid up there...but only part of the top could be seen hanging from the sky.

"Well that's something you don't see everyday" Ana observed and pointe towards the sky.

Yami then looked up, also confused at the sight of it.

"Shimon, tell me what is that strange object in the sky?" Yami asked.
"What do you mean?" Mahad asked as he walked behind them.

Yami then pointed to the sky himself.

"Up there, that pyramid" he repeated.
"I'm sorry your majesty but I don't see anything" Shimon apologised.
"But it's right there in plain sight" Yami insisted.

Ana however seemed to have become aware that maybe because of the situation, only she and Yami could see it.

"You know what, I think he's just knackered, it's been quite a long and exciting day" Ana tried to explain.
"Yes, I agree, but, what is 'knackered'?" Shimon asked.
"Oh...just an expression of being tired" Ana explained.
"I see, a very unusual term your grace" Mahad pointed out.

Ana nervously chuckled.
Just then, Seto and Aknadin appeared behind them, Ana couldn't help but stare at Seto briefly, despite it being only appearance, she couldn't help but miss her Seto back home.

"My King, you fought bravely" Aknadin commended.
"Yes, thanks you to we can all rest well" Seto added.
"Thank you" Yami responded.

The guardians then left the couple alone for a little bit.

"This is insane, all this malarkey" Ana complained, she then leaned on the balcony wall and gazed over the city.
"I know, but-"
"Pardon me my Pharaoh and Queen" said a voice.

Turning around they pair saw Mahad down on one knee with his head bowed down in respect.

"How can I help you...ah-" Yami paused nervously.
"Mahad, how can we help you Mahad" Ana saved him.

She then looked at Yami and playfully winked.

"My King, please accept my apologies for the interruption, but it's not safe for you both to be out here alone" Mahad politely advised.
"Perhaps you're right, it's not safe here, we should go" Yami agreed.

With that the couple followed Mahad through the palace, assuming they were being taken to their chambers.
On their way, they came to a set of stairs in the back of the main building, as they were walking however, there was a strange sound from one of the ceramic pots.

"What the hell was that?" Ana asked.

Yami then stood protectively before her and Mahad stood before him.

"Stay back" he advised.

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