Chapter 71- Capsule Monsters 6

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"Time to move onto Level 2!" Yugi enthused.

The group proceeded to walk through the bright door, until they found themselves being further blinded by a bright sun in a clear blue sky.
The group found themselves among some mountain/rock formations.

"Ah! Aren't clouds usually in the sky?!" Joey exclaimed.
"Not in this world" Tristan responded.
"Looks like we're on some sort of floating island" Ana explained.
"It may be part of the next test" Tea added.

Suddenly Yugi collapsed onto his front.
Worried, they took him to a nearby cave where 'Happy Lover' attempted to heal him. But sadly, it barely did any good.
In a valiant attempt to get up, Yugi only fell back into a deep sleep.

"Oh no" Ana gasped.
"Poor guy he's sleeping like a baby" Tristan observed.
"I'm not surprised" Mr Mouto agreed.

That Duel Armour took a lot out of Yugi, his energy was drained. In realisation Yami did clear the last level alone, so it was decided that while he rested, they would try to resolve the next challenge themselves.
Ana thought it best to stay by his side for a while; so, she checked his temperature, which was quite warn, he was sweating, and his pulse was a little faster than normal.

"How'd you know all that?" Joey asked.
"My Aunty is a Senior Nurse" Ana responded.

Suddenly there was a gold light from outside the cave. Everyone ran out and saw a scroll floating in mid-air.
Joey ran over and opened the scroll, then handed it to Mr Mouto, who began to translate it.

"Once a day, the unbreakable stone appeared in the Valley of Light. To achieve the impossible, fight with a power that is greater than physical might" he read aloud.
"Well, let's go guys" Joey enthused.

It was decided that as Yugi rested they would try and resolve the challenge themselves, allowing him to get some rest.
Tea however kept glancing back at the cave.

"Worried about Yugi I take it?" Ana observed.

Tea nodded in agreement.

"Ana with your medical knowledge, maybe you should stay behind" Mr Mouto advised.

Ana was reluctant to agree, but she had a better chance of being able to help Yugi and the Pharaoh should anything happen.

"Fine, but if something happens send a capsule monster back here to get me and I'll help" Ana instructed.
"You got it" Joey agreed with a thumbs up.
"Good luck" Tea smiled.
"Please, with me leading this group, we wont need luck" Joey boasted.
"No, we'll need prayers, and plenty of them" Mr Mouto joked.
"Let's go guys" Tristan motioned.

So off they went, leaving Ana and Tea to watch over Yugi.
The girls went back into the cave and tried to make Yugi more comfortable. Once he appeared a little more relaxed, Tea held his hand.

"You really care a great deal for Yugi don't you?" Ana observed.
"But what about you, you love the Pharaoh don't you?" Tea asked.

Ana smiled and shook her head.

"Afraid not" she responded, looking upon Yugi.
"Really, but, well the way you look at each other, the way he talks to you, isn't that love?" Tea asked, confused.
"It is love, but the Pharaoh is the one who loves me. I'm flattered, but I've fallen for someone else" Ana admitted, her face blushing red and her fingers twirling her hair.
"Ana, I've never seen you like this, well who is it?" Tea begged to know.
"Well I...I'd rather not say" Ana responded like an embarrassed child.
"Awh, well if you can't say that's alright. But I'm really happy for you" Tea enthused.
"Thanks Tea"
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you always help the Pharaoh like you do if you don't love him?" Tea questioned.

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