Chapter 89

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Magus's Shadow spell had been broken and everyone had been set free from being frozen in time. 

"Seto, obey your destiny and stand by my side, so we may rule Egypt as father and son!" Magus proclaimed.
"I am not your son, my father would never betray the Pharaoh like this- you lie and I will never join your side!" Seto rejected.
"You deserve more!" Magus insisted.
"Seto, it is true that you are the son of Aknadin, however he has lost his identity to the shadows. So the creature that stands before you is no longer your father" Hassan stated,

Yami then stepped towards his long lost cousin.

"He's right" Yami said.
"Nonsense, you are my flesh and blood Seto, you should not let these fools deny you the power you deserve!" Magus screamed.

Magus went on to criticize the former Pharaoh, saying that without him peace would not have been restored to the kingdom in the first place.
Despite how the King was against it all.
It was clear that the morals of the brothers were quite conflicted, which seemed to have caused quite the rift between them for a while.
Which also included how Aknadin wen behind that Pharaoh to create the Millennium items, thus taking credit for their existence.

"Without me none of that power would have been possible!" he exclaimed.
"Oh yeah, bang up job there, we're all drowning in peace here" Ana sarcastically remarked.

Magus didn't care for their words and said that Zorc would shroud the world in darkness and allow him to help rule the world.
Aknadin then went on to saying how it was fate Seto returned to the palace despite Aknadin having left him when he was a child.

Seto then seemed to go into deep thought, wrestling with his thoughts.

"You've been destined for greatness since the day you were born Seto, that's why your path keeps crossing with the white Dragon" Magus announced.
"The white Dragon?!" Ana and Seto said in unison.
"You mean the Blue eyes white Dragon?" Ana asked.
"That's right, Seto was chosen to wield it's power" Magus responded.

Sudenly Seto's eye began glowing yellow.

"Perhaps he's right, I should rule, and the white dragon will help me" he started in a trance-like-state.

"Seto please, you mustn't give in to him temptation!" Yami pleaded and attempted to approach Seto.

Ana saw Magus raise his hands and she pushed Yami back and just about missed the attack herself.

"Your grace!" Isis called out.
"I'm fine, close call but I'm fine"

Isis sighed and rested a hand on her chest in relief.

"Tell me the truth, why are you really doing this father?!" Seto demanded.
"Because I want you to experience what I never did power and respect and when Zorc arrives, that's exactly what you'll receive" Magus explained.
"But how?" Seto asked, confused.
"Zorc will user in the age of shadows, and someone will need to reign over this new world!" Magus finalised.
"I shall reign!" Seto exclaimed and began inching his way towards Magus.
"Take you place beside me my son!" Magus ordered.

Everyone began begging Seto not to go any further, and that they truly needed him.
Magus then tried to attack Yami but failed as Hassan stepped in once more, feeling the need to push Hassan further Magus tried his hand at attacking once more, but Hassan did his best to hold his ground against the attack.

"I must join my father now" Seto said and began getting closer to Magus.
"No!" Ana screamed.

She then grabbed onto his arm, but as soon as she did black sand shot in from the upper surface and reformed its shape...into Bakura, who was standing there once again alive and well.

"Well it's good to be back, and I'm just in time to witness the long-awaited return of Zorc!" Bakura chuckled.

Bakura then walked towards Aknadin and instructed him to leave the Pharaoh to him and the Magus should tend to his son.

"He will have control over a creature that rivals that of the Egyptian gods- the Blue-eyes white Dragon!"
"Kisara" Seto uttered.
"He means that girl" Shadah explained.
"What girl?" Ana said defensively.

Shadah went on to explain how he and Seto found the girl, and she displayed amazing power unlike anything they had ever seen, it was so overwhelming, and it was an intense force.

"Listen to reason, if you side with the Pharaoh you will be throwing away your future, you were born to be a leader!" Magus said and began advancing towards Seto.

Suddenly Bakura summoned his Diabound once more and had him try to attack Yami, but again Hassan stepped in just in time.

"Wake up, they're controlling you!" Yami called out.

Suddenly Magus formed and portal and threw Seto into it, he then turned his attention to Ana.

"Ah yes, the Princess, it was again my idea to form an alliance by proposing that you and the Prince get married, and if my son will be the new King...he shall need a Queen" Magus said and pushed Ana through the Portal too.

"Seto, Ana!" Yami screamed and attempted to try and help, but he was too late as the portal close behind Magus as he too entered.

As Ana was shoved into the Portal she suddenly awoke to find herself on the top of the building near the palace with her hands and legs bound.

"What the hell?!" Ana screamed.
"Kisara!" Seto called out.
"Yes she has the key and you must take it from her" Magus ordered.

Just then Seto left and returned to the ground floor to meet with her.

"You can't think this is going to work?" Ana remarked.
"I've had enough of your comments" Magus said and bound her mouth.

Ana then began muffled speech, Magus hen picked her up and brought her down with him as he witnessed his son and Kisara talking...he ordered Seto to obtain the girl's power. But the faithful young man refused and began running away.

"You intend to leave the Queen behind?" Magus mocked.

Ana managed to wriggle the gag free and scream out.

"Run Seto, take her and go, I'll be fine!" Ana screamed.
"Fine!" Magus said and set Ana down and ran to block off Seto and Kisara.

He then summoned a monster and destroyed the one that Seto used to break through a barricade that Magus summoned.
He then ordered Kisara to surrender her power to Seto...but upon releasing the Dragon Seto pleaded with her to be careful.
Kisara attempted to attack Magus initially but failed, especially when he summoned a spell seal that forced the dragon into a tablet.

"No matter what it takes, I wont allow him to hurt you Seto!" Kisara responded.
"Kisara has helped me release something, I would sooner be a peasant in a world still shining with hope, than a Pharaoh in a world contaminated by darkness!" Seto exclaimed.
"You mean that?" Kisara asked.
"Awwh" Ana cooed.
"Silence, so you're choosing this riff raff over your own flesh and blood- I brought you into this world and I have the power to remove you!" Magus screamed and removed his mask.

Magus raised his arm to attack Seto...but Kisara stood in the way and took the hit for him, causing her to collapse in his arms.

"Kisara I'm sorry" Seto apologised.
"It's not your fault" Seto wept.

He then set Kisara down and walked towards Magus...but Magus then transformed into a mist and entered his body.

Suddenly Yami appeared on horse back and rushed to Seto's side, making sure he was alright.

"That's not Seto!" Ana screamed.

Seto then got to his feet and revealed the Aknadin had entered his body and infiltrated his mind.

"Let's duel!" Seto spoke in a dual voice.

Seto then summoned the white Dragon and Yami had no choice but to fight, so he summoned his magician to fight.
Together the creatures clashed with a great light- but the result did not end well for Yami, as his Magician had been destroyed.
Yami then began trying to preach to Seto, asking him not to do such a thing, that he was needed by Yami.

But upon ordering the creature to suddenly vanished into blue glitter and fell onto Seto who then collapsed.

"Oh my god" Ana gasped.

he then snapped his eyes open and he ran to Kisara and scooped her into his arms, with tears in his eyes he set her before the tablet of the Blue eyes white Dragon.

"That's so sad" Ana cried and a tear fell down her cheek.
"Ana!" Yami called out and ran over to untie her.
"Thank Gods, where the hell were you, I was about to be forced into another marriage!" she yelled.
" sorry?" Yami said.

Ana then smiled and hugged him.

"I forgive you" she said and pulled back.
"Oh dear..." she trailed off and pointed behind Yami.
"Kaiba!" he called out.

And it was true, there he was, standing there in normal sour-faced posture, the pair then ran over to him.

"What are you doing in this world?" Yami asked.
"Don't you think I've been asking myself the same question?" Seto remarked.

He then turned his attention to Ana and was slightly confused.

"Who is this?" he asked.
"I haven't seen you in a few days and you forget me?!" Ana yelled.
"Ana?!" he exclaimed and held onto her shoulders then brushed a hand on her face.
"It is you" he said and held her tightly.
"Oh I've missed you...I...oh gosh!" she yelled and pushed Seto away and ran to behind a pillar and began retching onto the ground.
"Ana- are you alright?!" Yami asked.

Ana then waved her hand from behind the pillar.

"Yup, I'm fine...just carry on!" she called out and puked again.
Yami then explained that they were reliving memories of his past, and the ancient version he could see of himself was Seto, who was also known to have been Yami's cousin.
Yami then asked Seto to leave, but Seto refused, saying that he would not be told what to do.

Ana then staggered out and whipped her mouth.

"I'm what?" she asked.

Suddenly the sky became dark with black and purple clouds and the entire ground before them began shaking.

"Sorry I asked!" she called out and fell to her knees. 

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