Chapter 90

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With the sky having turned dark with black and purple, the for coming of Zorc as dictated by Bakura was coming to pass.
Suddenly the Earth began vibrating, the trio turned their attention to the East and saw a towering, dark, disfigured being walking across the desert.

"Now do you believe me Kaiba?" Yami asked.
"Look Yugi, for all I know this whole thing is a bad dream" Kaiba responded.

Yami and Ana then turned around to see their Seto on his knees beside Kisara, he brushed a hand on her face and vowed he would return for her.

"Awwh, poor guy" Ana said.
"Try telling him that" Yami said.
"I don't see how I should feel bad about that" Kaiba said.

Ana rolled her eyes and joined Yami as they approached Seto, the pair then jumped on a horse and made for the desert.

"Aren't you going with them?" Kaiba asked.
"That I am, dream or not, if I am a Queen of this place then I will stand by the people here" Ana responded.
"But Ana-"
"Seto- I have missed you, and I love you...but I will not listen to you behaving like this" Ana cut him off.

She then jumped on a horse and followed after Yami and Seto, the three soon arrived at the boarders of the kingdom, and there were all the soldiers preparing for battle.
As she got closer, she heard them cheering for Yami, happy that he had returned to them.
By the time she had arrived, Yami had fallen on one knee; fearful Ana ran over and helped him up.

"Are you alright?" Ana asked, concerned.
"I guess I'm just a bit tired" he responded.
"Please allow me to lead the troops, it's the only way for me to attain forgiveness and earn back my honour" Seto pleaded.
"Then lead them, I trust you" Yami replied, with a confident smile.
"Zorc, he is approaching!" called out a guard.

Sure enough he was right, the dark monstrous creature was nearing them.
Seto stepped forward and composed himself.

"All right men, ready yourselves, that creature is not to step one foot in our city. No mercy, and in the name of Pharaoh we shall prevail!" he called out with passion.

All the men cheered, fuelled by the enthusiasm and support of their army leader.
As the monster neared, everything around its feet was dying, water ran dry and the ground became barren.
As it got closer they were firing all they had at it, but it was doing next to no damage at all.
Zorc raised his right arm and swiped across unleashing a wave of dark pink energy at the people, damaging most of the weapons and grounds they were standing on.

"We need to regroup!" Ana screamed.
"You're right my Queen- back to the Palace men!" Seto ordered.

And with great haste, they gathered what they could and made a run for it.
All gathered at the front gate everyone was poised and ready to do their best.

"Call me a sceptic, but you humans aren't any match for a monster like that- we need monsters to beat that thing" Ana pointed out.

By now Zorc had caught up, he stood towering above them like a demon from a child's nightmare, looking down snarling.

"Guardians of the Pharaoh, summon your strongest creatures!" Seto ordered.

Ana then summoned a Dragon to fight also, everyone tried to attack but it did no damage again, sadly Ana's Dragon did get hit, which caused her to feel the pain of her creature.

"Ow!" she screamed and held onto her chest.
"Your grave, please don't fight, it isn't safe for you" Isis pleaded.
"At this point we're all going to die, so what difference does it make?!" Ana responded and stood her ground once more.

Suddenly lightning came from the sky to hit Yami and the brightness blinded the area...but when it cleared, Yami was fine...but Shadah had taken the hit for the attack, saving Yami's life.
As he lay on the floor with a smile, he looked at Yami, glad that he was safe, his eyes then gentle closed as he passed on.

"Oh god" Ana gasped.
"I will defeat this menace!" Yami called out in anger, his eyes narrowed, and fist clenched.

Lightning was striking all over the place and civilians were running away in fear, Zorc then began launching attacks randomly all over the city, with next to no care of what or who they hit.

"Our defences are too weak my King" Shimon said.
"Then I suggest we up our game, summon the Gods" Ana asked.
"I can't I don't have my puzzle, and my energy is much to low" Yami responded, holding up his disk.
"You're right, without those items we don't have the strength we need" Shimon agreed.
"Then we must search the desert until we find them" Isis said and stood up from her knees.

Turns out, upon Zorc's arrival, the items weren't destroyed- but scattered.
With that both Mana and Isis went out to find all the items, while Yami remained to lead the soldiers.

"You got this girls" Ana winked.

Heading south, the girls made a run for it while the soldiers did their best to distract them.
A few moments past, and before they knew it, the girls were on their way back.

"Wow, that was fast" Ana smiled.

Suddenly the dragon they were riding on landed, and they could see Mana running towards them, as for Isis, she took to the sky to distract Zorc with her monsters.
Sadly- with one hit, she too fell from the sky her body landing in an unseen area.

Suddenly the grounds started shaking, and from the ground emerged Exodia, the forbidden one- turns out Shimon had summoned him to try and fight Zorc, it was a mighty creature who rivals Zorc in size, but when it came to strength they looked to have appeared tied.
Shimon gathered his energy and got Exodia to release a powerful energy beam at Zorc, but it did nothing; Zorc hit the attack back slicing Exodia in half, killing him, and with that Shimon had fallen too.

"Pharaoh, fighting me is futile I am the embodiment of darkness, and as your world is enveloped by the shadows, I grow stronger!" Zorc screamed.

Suddenly Mana came over to them with a bag in hand, inside were the millennium items, immediately she handed the puzzle back to Yami.

"Isis and Shimon surrendered their spirits to the shadow realm so I could bring it to you" Mana cried, tears streaming down her face.

Ana walked over and held her in a comforting embrace.

"I assure you their actions will not be in vain" Yami reassured her.

As he put the puzzle on his energy was restored, he then bravely stepped forward towards Zorc.

"In the name of the people of Egypt I shall prevail!" he announced.

Seto took the Rod and offered to fight, but Yami told him to stand down, so he looked up at Zorc...then summoned all 3 Egyptian Gods.

"Bloody hell the whole planet is shaking!" Ana said as everyone was trying to regain their balance.

Then in 3 blinding lights of gold, red and blue the Gods came forward.

"Surrender now Zorc or face the rage of the 3 Egyptian Gods!" Yami ordered.
"When I'm finished with them your deities will bow before me!" Zorc responded.

Yami ordered Obelisk to attack did knock Zorc onto his behind, however...Zorc just got back up again.
Slifer was then next to try an attack...then did Ra...then all 3 were told to strike-the explosion of power was amazing, it was almost enough to convince everyone that they had won over Zorc.
Soon the sky began to clear up, the darkness had gone.

"It's over" Seto sighed.
"Let's hope so" Yami said.

Ana however...wasn't convinced as she narrowed her eyes, looking around intently.
All the humans began cheering with great rejoice...that was until there was a vibration from the Earth and a clawed hand reached to the sky from the ground...and aimed at the sun, using it's gradually caused a solar eclipse.

"Shit!" Ana screamed.

Yami ordered his monsters to attack before the sun was engulfed...naturally they did their best...but it was too late...the sun was gone, Zorc was full of energy once more and he was able to swat away the gods away like they were nothing, causing them to turn to stone and plummet to the ground.

"He beat them- but how?!" Yami exclaimed.
"Plan B anyone?!" Ana asked in a panic.

Zorc one by one then broke each of the god statues, each one caused Yami to lose his energy.

"Yami!" Ana screamed and ran to his side, holding him in her arms.
"A...Ana, I don't think I can survive this" he whispered.
"You'll be fine Yami, you always are, everything will be fine" Ana reassured him.

She then stood up and in front of him defensively.

"He's way to weak to fight" Mana whimpered.
"There's nothing we can do to stop him!" a guard called out.

Full of fear, all the guards ran away, completely terrified.

"I can't blame them" Ana sighed.
"Soon there will be nowhere to hide mortals!" Zorc mocked.

Seto then instructed Mana and Yami to return to the palace, and Seto would stay back and fight.

"Seto, you will get killed!" Ana pleaded.
"I will be fine my Queen" he said with a smile.

Unable to convince him otherwise, the girls took Yami either side of them, and ran back to the Palace.
As they did so...the sun began to show in the sky once more.

"What the hell?!" Ana exclaimed and turning her head...she saw Blue eyes in the sky...but suddenly- the Dragon fell back to the ground turning to stone- then a result...the sun became shrouded once more.

"I don't think I could take much more of this" Ana gasped.

Again the Earth began shaking as Zorc was taking steps into the City, making his way towards the palace. 

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