Chapter 75- Capsule Monsters Chapter 10

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The little girl proceeded to lead the team to the middle of her village, at the foot of a dragon statue was a sword that was stabbed into the ground.

"What's that?" Tristan asked.
"My people call it the sword of divinity, and if the legend is true, it may be the only thing capable of slaying the fiendish 5" the girl explained.
"Is there a catch?" Yami asked.
"Yes, only the legendary chosen warriors have the power to remove it" the girl responded.

Tristan then stepped up and decided to try his hand at removing it, sadly nothing happened, Joey tried to help but still was unable to do so.
Yami then stepped forward to try but also to no avail.

"The legend states, when a great power descends from the skies, the sacred sword will rise" the girl explained.
"We must find the fiendish 5, if we don't stop them, by the time they get here, their power will grow" Alexander warned them.

With that in mind, everyone decided to split up and take 1 of each location themselves.
Ana however, having one of the stronger monsters, remained back at the village as a last line of defence in case of any unexpected circumstances, so she remained in the town centre, waiting for the others to return.
As she did, many of the villagers gathered there also to lend support.

"Hope they are alright" Ana whispered.

Standing to attention she paid attention to the skies, ready and waiting should anything happen, and to her surprise, something did.

"Oh dear god..." she gasped.

Looking up she could see Yami in his new armour and all the others on the back of their Dragons, leading what appeared to be the fiendish 5- back to the village?!

"What the hell?!" Ana yelled and stood ready.

As she did Yami landed before her and disarmed from the magician armour.

"Didn't go well I take it?" she sarcastically remarked.
"Everyone take cover, you're about to receive a visit from some unwanted guests" Yami warned them all.

The villagers began screaming and running away as the Dragons began got closer and actually appeared to be glowing in a blue light.

"Why have you done this, bringing them here has made them stronger" Alexander asked.

Yami then proceeded to the sacred sword and wrapped his hands around the handle.

"Exactly, that's the whole point" Yami smiled.

He then summoned a new monster- Black Lustre Soldier, of which he then fused with.

"Oh wow" Ana sighed.

Yami then, with ease pulled out the sacred sword with ease.

"The great power from the skies, meant the dragons, they had to be here for the sword to come out" Ana explained.

Yami then absorbed the power of the dragons into the sword which transformed it into a large blue blade, and with it he swiped at all the dragons, causing them to collapse to the floor.
Everyone rejoiced with happiness at the defeat of the dragons, the little girl stood before Yami and thanked him for saving her life.

"We've passed the final test guys" Tristan smiled.
"Now we can all go home" Mr Mouto said.
"Not quite, the fifth stone, it didn't light up" Tea observed.

Yami then turned his attention to the Dragons who suddenly got back up and took to the sky.

"That sword didn't work" Joey realised.

Just then the dragons all merged into a single dragon with 5 heads.

"The merged together, perhaps these creatures are immortal" Yami yelled.

The villagers continued to run away, and Joey helped to save one of them with the attempt of an attack, which spared the villager, but caused him and red eyes to hit the floor.
Worried, Ana and Yami ran over, of which My Mouto then hovered above.

"Wait in the capsule monsters board game there's a 5 headed dragon that can only be destroyed by creatures of light!" he called out.
"Well then, we need to call forth all of our light monsters at once" Yami urged.

As instructed, everyone summoned their light monsters, Ana was the last one who was about to summon her blue eyes white dragon, but sadly just as she reached for the capsule, the dragon had captured her and held her in it's hand.

"ANA!" Yami screamed.
"I'm fine Pharaoh, just keep trying, I'll be alright!" she called.

In fear, Yami sped over and with the sacred sword tried to attack which caused the dragon to drop Ana and she passed out.
But in return Yami had been blasted by an attack from the Dragon.

"Yugi are you ok?" Tea asked.
"I'm fine, but it's the villagers I'm worried about, we need to protect them" Yami urged.
"You take care of the freakish 5 we'll keep an eye on the people" Tristan advised.

Joey then scooped Ana into his arms and took her away.

"Hey, where is she going?" Joey asked, as he noticed the little girl from earlier running away towards the alter where they all first met the villagers.

She clasped her hands together before the image on the wall all while Joey held onto Ana and was keeping an eye on the dragon behind them.

"Devine one please hear me" she pleaded.
"I hear ya, but please call me Joey"

Joey then turned around and realised that she wasn't talking to him.
In the meantime Yami was trying his best to fend off the Dragon but was having a hard time, seeing this the villagers began to gather behind the little girl and praying to the divine creature to please aid Yami in his valiant efforts, as he has proved he is the chosen one.
The young girl pleaded so much so, that tears fell from her little eyes. When they splashed onto the ground ...there was a flash of blue light emerging from the image before her and shot out towards Yami, shielding him from an attack from the fiendish 5.
Then a similar glow began emitting from Ana's capsule monster belt.
Suddenly she woke up and Joey set her down.

"Ana, are you alright?" Joey asked.
"I'm fine" she responded.

Looking at the image she saw that the divine dragon...was Blue eyes white Dragon, in realisation of this, she wasted no time in summoning him.

"Please, help the pharaoh!" Ana begged.

The Dragon nodded and took to the sky, it encapsulated itself in a bright light and hoevered above Yami.
He begged the dragon to help him so that they may defeat this evil together.
Blue eyes was happy to oblige and with his powers, he fused with Yami through the Duel armour; this certainly gave him the power he needed and with one swoop of his new weapon, the dragon was destroyed; dispersing into dust.

Once the air cleared, the sun began to rise, illuminating the whole area and brining a smile to everyone's face.

"Hey guys, the pendant just lit up!" Tea cheered.

The final test had been passed!

Joey and Ana ran back to the others to celebrate their final victory, Ana looked into the sky to see Yami in the armour.

"Wow, he certainly looks like a leader, a king up there" she commented.

Yami then touched down onto the ground and blue eyes vanished into the wall at the alter.

"Guess I'm short a monster, but I'm sure these people need him more than I do" Ana whispered.

Yami looked at Ana and smiled before disappearing, allowing Yugi to come back.
Everyone ran over to embrace Yugi, of which the villagers greatly thanked Yugi for his bravery once more.
With Alexander leading the way, the group ventured into a forest, in hopes of being able to find the passageway back home.

"I can't wait to get back to civilisation, I bet my mother is worried about me" Ana commented.
"Me too, all I wanna do is go home" Joey agreed.

Hopefully they would find their way soon, and escape this world

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