Chapter 13

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The night passed slowly, but that next morning, Ana was awoken by a knock at the door.
She stirred from her sleep and slowly sat up in bed.

"C...come in..." she yawned, the door then opened and in came Kaiba, dressed in his usual attire.
"Morning, breakfast is ready if you want to eat" he informed her.
"Oh really?" she replied, then reached over for her phone and looked at the time; 9:00AM.
"Oh it's that time already, alright, I'm coming" she sighed and threw her covers off and stretched.
"I...I'll see you in the dining room" Kaiba said and turned to leave.
"Oh, and Seto?" Ana called after him.

He then stopped and turned to face her.

"Thank you for knocking" she winked.

Kaiba rolled his eyes and walked out, once he closed the door Ana lightly giggled.
She then quickly rushed to the bathroom and had a rapid shower, she dressed in a black mini skirt and black halter top. She then made her way to the dining room, on arrival she saw Kaiba and Mokuba at the table eating.

"Sorry for being late, it was very warm last night, needed a shower" Ana apologised.
"We saved you some bacon and eggs" Mokuba said and brought Ana a plate of food.
"Thank you" she said.

They all quickly finished up eating and met up in the hallway.

"We're leaving for HQ in half an hour, so make sure your bags are packed, you'll need clothes and stuff for at least a few days, just in case" Kaiba instructed.
"What...?" Ana asked, confused.
 "Just do it" he repeated, and walked away.
"He's in a good mood" Mokuba sarcastically remarked.
"Oh, I hadn't noticed" Ana responded in the same tone.

She sighed and walked back up to her room.
She managed to pack in no time, and once she were done there was a knock at her door.

"Come in" she called out.

Then in came Kaiba.

"Are you packed?" he asked her.
"Yes, I am"

He then came over and picked up her bag.

"Then let's go" he said and motioned for Ana to leave first, so she walked out first, and he followed after.

They both made their way to the door and was met with the Limo driver who took Ana's bag and put it in the boot along with several other bags which she assumed belonged to Mokuba and Kaiba.

"Ready Anastasia?" Mokuba asked.
"Yeah" she smiled.

They all got into the Limo and drove off.

"Seto this is gonna be great, I can't wait to see who the other finalists are" Mokuba enthused.
"Clearly Seto, Yugi, Joey and Mai, but I'm not sure who else, now that certainly would be interesting" Ana replied.
"Oh yeah, can't wait" Mokuba smiled.

They then arrived at the office, Kaiba told Ana and Mokuba to go up to his office and he would join them soon.So together they got the lift to the top, as soon as they entered the Office, his telecom rang.Ana then went to answer it.

"Hello, Seto Kaiba's office" she responded.
"Oh, hello Miss Starline, is Mr Kaiba there?" said the man from reception.
"Not as yet, something the matter?" she asked.
"Not at all, but please let him know that the chopper for tonight is ready on the rooftop and waiting for whenever he needs to leave" he informed her.
"I'll be sure to let him know" she politely said then cut the call, and no sooner did she do that did Kaiba walk in.
"Someone from reception called and said that the chopper is ready when needed" she relayed back to him.
"Great, now Mokuba, I need to you to make sure the location is confirmed and that the rooms are ready" Kaiba instructed.

Ana was slightly confused but the statement "rooms"

"Anything I can do Mr Kaiba?" she asked.
"Just look over the financials for the trip" he then handed her some papers and she took them and sat at a table.
"Will do"

Kaiba was going in and out of the office much like Mokuba, and by the time they had stopped, it was now evening, 5pm.
The three of them then went to the roof and there the chopper was ready and rearing to go. Kaiba helped Ana on board first and then Mokuba jumped on.

"Let's get going Roland" Kaiba said.

And with that they all took off.

"So, are you going to tell me yet where we're going?" Ana asked.
"No yet" he responded, cheekily.

Ana just smiled and gazed out the window. Domino city looked surprisingly pleasant at night, the lights were dotted around, and she could still see some people wandering the streets.
She then sighed and smiled.

"You alright Ana?" Mokuba asked.
"Huh? Oh yes, perfectly fine thank you Mokuba" she smiled.

The rest of the journey was silent, at least until the pilot informed them that they would be landing, once they did Ana saw that they were still in Domino city.
Kaiba went out first, and like a gentleman helped Ana out also.

"Mr Kaiba, your bags are just here" the pilot said as he and the co-pilot placed the bags a bit away from the chopper.
"W...where are we?" Ana asked as she looked around confused.
"We are at the unfinished Kaiba Stadium" Kaiba responded.
"Knowing you, the finals are not here" she added.
"Then you know me well" he smirked.
"They should be arriving soon" Mokuba said, looking at his watch.
"So, will the Egyptian God cards" Kaiba noted.
"Oh of course" Ana sighed, she then looked towards the entrance and saw a group of people coming in.
"Hey look it's the first 3 finalists, Yugi, Joey and Mai" Mokuba pointed out.
"Should have known Yugi and Joey would have made it this far. Rather impressive really" Ana thought to herself.
"Welcome, present your locator cards" said one of the guards.
"Check it out, we all got 6" Joey said.
"Security will be tight, so make sure you have these cards with you at all times" the guard informed them.

He then handed them their Tournament ID cards.

"Thanks, now where's everyone else?" Joey asked, looking around.
"So far, it's just the 3 of you and of course Mr Kaiba; we expect the other 4 finalists shortly" the guard responded.

Ana looked at Yugi then Joey and couldn't help but think of the match that went down between them. So emotional and dramatic but impressive.

"Hi Anastasia, you okay?" Yugi asked.
"Very well thank you" she responded.
"Hey thought you weren't in the Tournament" Joey said.
"Never said I wasn't Joey, but we'll explain that soon" she replied.
"Here comes someone else now" the guard pointed.
"Guys I've got a bad feeling about this" Yugi said, slightly nervous.
"Hey Yug you think it's that creep Marik?" Joey asked, equally uneasy.
"It could be, he must be one of the 8 finalists" Yugi responded.
"Huh...who is that- wait a minute I know you, you're Namu right?" Joey said with happy realisation.
"You saved Bakura's life" Tea enthused.
"Glad I could help, where is Bakura now?" the stranger known as Namu asked.
"There's something strange about him" Ana thought.
"Resting in the hospital" Tea replied.
"So, Joey we both made it to the Battle City Finals, didn't we? I never thought I'd get this far" Namu smiled sweetly.
"Hey Yugi, meet Namu, he saved Bakura's life and get this; he's also a Battle City Finalist" Tea introduced.
"I've heard about you Yugi, it's an honour to meet you" Namu politely said, still smiling.
"Thanks Namu for helping Bakura and any friend of Tea and Joey is a buddy of mine" Yugi replied, with his usual friendly attitude.

"Goodness, is that Miss Starline?!" Namu almost shouted.

He rushed past the group of people, including Kaiba and Mokuba and reached to hold Ana's left hand.

"I've always loved your work, it's inspiring and stunning" he said with such enthusiasm.
"Gracious thank you" Ana madly blushed.
"Ahem, a bit, forward aren't you?" Kaiba scoffed, unamused.
"Pardon? Oh...sorry" Namu apologised he then kissed her hand and let go.
"Again, an honour, it's been said hardly anyone has seen you Duel, but when you do its enticing" he said, in a slightly deeper voice.
"Well it's true hardly anyone has seen me Duel, but I suppose I am good" she playfully boasted. "Oh please, if you weren't good you wouldn't even be here" Kaiba commented.
"Thanks, Seto- hey someone else is coming" Ana pointed out.

There they saw someone they didn't recognise. Brown eyes, lilac hair and light skin.

"Bakura?!" Yugi exclaimed.
"You should be resting" Tea added.
"You could hardly walk, what are you doing out of bed?!" Joey demanded.
"I'm fine, really, and besides I'm here for the Tournament" Bakura responded with a smile.
"Well that explain why you're wearing our Duel disk" Ana noticed.
"Indeed, and I have 6 locator cards also" Bakura added and showed his cards.
"Oh well great, come on guys give him an ID card please" Ana instructed.
"Yes, Miss Starline" said the guard.
"Hey look it's the 7th finalist" Bakura noticed as he looked towards the entrance.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a large figure wearing a coat.

"This guy looks familiar and that's a mug you don't forget" Joey spat.
"He's the one who kidnapped me" Mokuba called out.

Ana then took small steps forward, so she was in front of Mokuba.

"State your name right now" Kaiba demanded.
"I am Marik"
"I'll kick your brainwashing keester!" Joey screamed.
"You are no match for me fool" Marik boasted.
"Grr, the only reason I'm not tossin you out myself is so I can kick you down in the finals; got that?!" Joey continued to scream.
"I should disqualify you right now for capturing my little brother" Kaiba added.
"Then do it!" Ana insisted.
"But you have something I want, and your Egyptian God card will be mine" Kaiba said.
"Doesn't look like you have too many friends around tattoo face" Mokuba commented.
"Alright, may I have your attention please, 7/8 of you are here. So now it is time to announce that although you have your locator cards, this is not the site of the Battle City Finals" the guard explained.
"The actual tournament arena should be arriving here any second now" he continued.
"I'm lost" Joey replied, confused.
"Where are the finals?" Yugi asked.

Suddenly all the stadium lights pointed up towards the sky.

"Look up there; it's Kaiba's blimp" Joey pointed out.
"It's huge" Tristan added.
"Stand back we'll all be boarding shortly- Kaiba craft 3 you are clear for landing" the guard said. "So, we're Duelling in the sky?" Yugi asked.
"You got it" Mokuba winked.
"Oh wow...4000ft in the sky" Ana gasped.

Soon enough the blimp landed, and the door opened.

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