Corrupted Ink Sans x Reader: Corruption

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You were the helper of the AUs. You guide them to safety delivering them to the antivoid. You can also recreate them if the creator wishes to.

You wore what ink wore. And basically had a paintbrush like him. And you also had a palette on your armor.

So you looked like him but different.

You wonder where Ink Sans is. He would usually be here in the void. He got so obsessed on finding Error.

A portal opened. It reviewed a ghastly ink Sans. He had a pencil that had a point of blood on a tip of his pencil.

He had red paint. His pencil had a eraser. "I-Ink What happened to you?" You asked. Ink grabbed you and pinned you down.

Your eyes widen. Ink grabbed his pencil and stabbed your shoulder.

You wailed in pain. You told him to stop. But he continued.

"Ink stop! Your hurting me!" You said. He then dived for your neck and kissed your neck making you shiver.

He stood up. You couldn't move.

Your eyes were full of tears. You sobbed. It hurts so much.

Ink went to your level and pecked a kiss on your forehead. "You know where Error is?" He asked keeping his twisted grin.

"No...but why are you like that." He then stabbed you. You looked and saw your soul stabbed by the pencil.

He smiled twistedly. "Bye Love."

You smiled softly on that nickname. You remember how he would tease you on saying the nickname you hated.

Then you would say this. "Love you to Inky." You said as blood spilled over your mouth.

~flash back~

"Love you to inky." You said winking. He blushed rainbow and tackled you and tickled you.

"H-Hey!" You said in between laughs. He then stopped and looked at you smiling softly.

He kissed your lips. He then pulled back and you both laughed together.

~flash back~

Inks eyesockets widen. You stood up. "Guess that's it huh? You're gonna erase me. Go obsess on finding error. Fine I won't stop you." You shrugged.

You then slowly walked away from him. "Inky... do you want anything?" You asked smiling sadly as you looked back towards him. Then back as you walked slowly fading out of the antivoid.

Ink eyesockets widen with tears. "I'm so sorry..." he muttered as he collapsed and broke into tears.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now