Killer Sans x SisterReader: It hurts to feel

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You sat down on the sofa. You were happy. Something went on with Sans. He kept acting weird. You hadn't seen him like that.

"Hey Sans, are you ok?" You asked. "Yeah I'm fine..." Sans muttered. "Ok! Wanna eat spagetthi!" You said with a look of innocence.

Sans smiled softly at your look of innocence. "Sure sis," Said Sans.

Whenever you asked if he was okay. He'd say he's fine. But you don't believe that... do you now?

Why did he do that.

Why did he left me

Now there's nothing left to miss...

Nothing left...

Everyone was missing

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Everyone was missing. "Sans? Where is everyone?" You asked. He turned around and you looked terrified. His eyesockets were filled with black goop.

His soul turned into a red target. "Sans? What happened to you?" You asked. Killer grinned madly as he walked slowly to you.

"Sans your scaring me! This isn't funny bro! Stop!" You shouted as you were cornered into a wall. "I'm sorry... do I know you?" Killer asked.

You then began crying. He wiped your tears away. "I'm just joking. But if you really are my sister. You'd look like me." Said Killer grinning as he raised his knife.

"Sans stop!" You shouted trying to struggle of his grip. "Shhhh... it's ok it's going to hurt... A LOT." Killer laughed.

He then raised his knife and charge it towards your eyes. You wailed telling him to stop but he didn't. He just laughed.


"I shouted for help." You said. "But no one came." You finished as you grinned. Black goop also fell out of your eyes.

Your soul turned into a red target. Just like Killer's and you know, that it hurts to feel.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now