70 followers oneshot special/ IͶK ςΔͶς X Reader: Revealed part 2

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Ink grabbed my hands and kissed them softly. "I love you Ok? But I have to stop this person whoever is disrupting the multiverse." I hugged him.

"We're gonna do it together. Ok? Promise me you won't leave or do something stupid?"

"Even for me."

Ink hesitantly replied and with truth.

"I promise" I kissed him. "Be safe." I Said. Ink nodded and hugged me as he created a portal to go in.


I woke up to the sounds of explosion. The hooded figure grinned as what appeared to be female landed in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked. "That's none of your business." She raised her dagger. "I don't want to hurt you. Get get out or stay out of my way."

I landed and glared at her. "I don't want to hurt you either." I muttered. She then sighed. "I have no choice then." She then slashed.


But someone else took the hit.

Classic collapsed to the ground bleeding. "Sans no!" I cried as I went beside him. I glared at her as I charged at her with all my might. But she teleported away.

"Sans no... you were my best friend... please no." "I'm sorry... Y/N... you'll do great. Just know, I'm always here for you." My eyes widen. "give her hell out there for me." Sans grinned. My eyes was glistening with tears.

"I'm rooting for ya kid." Sans faded to dust. His monster soul cracked. I then cried in agony and anger.

"Why did you do that! Who are you!" I shouted. Ink then landed beside me. "Yeah Who are you. Why did you do all this!" Ink shouted glaring with his eyesockets.

She laughed. "You know me for a long time. We were best buds." She then took off her hood. Her purple short hair was shown. She wore a black jacket with purple rings to it.

She removed her mask.

I gaped.

It was Readereads10. After all this time... I thought she was on our side. She created stories. She was my friend. I couldn't speak right now. She killed Classic. One of her best friends.

Ink was also shocked.

"Reader how could you! You destroyed every story! Creativity!" Ink shouted. "I did this for everyone's own good. And creativity will never rise again." Reader seethed.

"But why??" I asked. "Because it's fun. All of this is just a game. All the timelines and AUs. I find fun to toy with." Reader Said simply smiling.

"It's not fun at all!" I Said. "Your ruining innocent lives for your entertainment? Sick." Ink seethed.

"Don't isolate me from what you've did Ink. After all. You've did it all before. To create a perfect timeline I believe? With X?" Reader said smiling as she played with her knife.

Ink looked down in guilt. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Least he won't be like you." I said glaring at her.

"Yeah call me the bad guy, but after all. Thank you." Said Reader.

Me and Ink stiffen.

"For joining my game."

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now