Horrortale Sans x Reader: You killed my family

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Requested by @GirlWithManyOcs


I fell to the snowy ground. I kept crying to the point I felt scared. I kept walking and tripped and stumbled on the way.

"Heh heh kid. Keep doing that and you'll pasta away." He chuckled at his pun. I recognized that laugh. I gasped. He paused and grinned.

"I remember you. Your a spitting image of your mother... what's the matter...?" I paused. "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY! YOU-" I coughed up blood while crying tears.

"Aww... don't cry.. your adorable when you cry~" I coughed up blood wiping my tears. "Your sick." I mumbled.

"Being naughty are we~" author~Chan: Horror where is it? horror: where is what? author~Chan: Lust virginity. Horror: um..... TECHINCAL DIFFICULTIES

Horror felt a bit of soft feeling. He felt bad... he then looked at you and grinned as he grabbed your collar. He teleported and threw you against his bed.

(NOPE THIS IS NOT RAPE!) "why do you give me that feeling." Horror muttered. You felt shocked. What feeling?

"YOU MAKE ME FEEL BAD... IM JUST GONNA END YOU RIGHT HERE! YOU DRIVE ME INSANE." Horror hissed as he grabbed his axe and teleported towards me.

I tried to struggle and I screamed for him with tears to stop. Horror smiled sadistically as he brought down his axe.

(WARNING MY LOVEIES THIS CONTAINS BLOOD AND HARM and torture! So please skip if you don't like this part)

I was very disturbed writing this as much as y'all...

I kept screaming as he kept slicing my wrist and skin. Horror smiled more twistedly. I kept shouting with tears and begged him to stop.

He bit my neck making the blood release. I was groaning in pleasure and pain. I was a masochist...

He kept slicing my wrist and kept stabbing my leg. I cried with tears and kept crying begging for the pain to stop.

He bit my neck again and roughly. The pleasure went through me like waves. He then brought down his knife as cut my leg.

Mini slices... I screamed and I kept screaming. I called for help. But no one came...

The screaming died down... I was barely moving from the torture. Horror then kissed me with his sharp teeth messing with my tongue gently.

He broke apart and lay me down on his bed. He smiled as he stood up. "I will come back to you later. Don't think this is over. I'm just getting started." Horror said laughing sadistically as he teleported away.


AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now