Undertale Sans x Child Reader: Nightmares

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You shot up in having a nightmare. It felt so real. You checked on Sans and Papyrus to see if they're ok.

They're are. You sighed in relief. Then blue magic aura surrounded you. It was Sans.

"Oh.. it's you." Said Sans.

You hesitated to move. "Y/N?" You cried into his jacket. You desperately clutched onto his jacket.

Sans looked shocked. He hugged you back. "Hey...Hey... it's ok. What's wrong?" Sans asked.

"I had a nightmare... you died." You said looking away. Sans grin lazily returned. "Nah kid. I won't die. I'm here right? It's just a dream. I won't die." Said Sans.

You buried your face into his jacket. "If it helps? How about you sleep with me tonight?" Sans asked You nodded.

You lay down next to him. "Goodnight brother." You said.

"Night sis." Said Sans. You both cuddled sleeping together.

Little did you know a human was watching. Her face twitched into a smile.


Part 2 coming soon... maybe

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now