Cheif Cop Reaper x EmotionlessCriminalAftertaleReader: flirtious

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Requested by IceDream25


I ran on the roofs as police was chasing me. Ink was behind me. I kept running and jumping like a songbird. I then slipped.

This is it. It's my death. Great... no need to sugarcoat it if I was going to. I then fell into the arms I didn't want to be in. "Hello Doll~" It was grim reaper himself.

A emotion began to flare as red dusted my face. I was emotionless though. Huh... I was handcuffed as I tried to struggle.

"Your going to be in custody." Ink Said simply. I snarled as I tried to struggle. I struggle a lot to the point where Reaper put a grip on my shoulder.

"I don't like your behavior. Behave or you're going to get what's coming for ya." His cold voice breathing down my neck. It make me silence myself as it sent shivers down my spine.

I was in the police car as it drove away.


I was in custody as I was put in a interrogation table. Reaper walked towards the room. "Hello Doll~" I winced. "Hi Sadist." I simply said emotionlessly.

"Hi masochist." Reaper Said again as he sat down in front of me. "You're gonna tell me the base of Error and Geno and Fresh your infamously brothers." Reaper Said.

"No." I simply said. "We'll fine. But I'm gonna break you sooner or later." Reaper Said simply. My face dusted red as I winced at his voice.

"Falling for me already?~"

"N-No!" I Said. "And I thought you had no emotions. That's a shock." Said Reaper as he went close to me where our gap could be closed if he made the move.

I blushed red as Reaper moved away. "R-Reaper s-Stop." I shuttered. "Stuttered hm?~" Reaper asked.

I hid in my scarf blushing internally. This is feels wrong. "Aww Doll~ Dont Hide yourself. But for you it's special case." Said Reaper. "But seriously I still have to interrogate you. We have much to talk about~" As Reaper slowly closed the door and locked it and bind the windows closed.

I enjoyed making this chapter because fucking I ship afterdeath and it's ok if you don't just I fucking ship it REEEEEEEEEEE-

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