Undertale Sans x Pacifist Reader: Despite everything its still you

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(Got an idea during school XD

You suffered through resets. Classic always tries to calm you down. But no avail. You sobbed every time.

Having nightmares of Frisk doing genocide.

She always does it. She says she sorry. But you didn't forgive her. She kept crying. But through hatred she deserved it.

Actually no. She deserved to suffer in your place. Watching everyone that died over... and over...

You looked into the mirror.

Despite everything it's still you.

The resets always made you angry. It would've twisted your mind. It tears at you.

"But your still you." You turned around to see Classic grinning lazily.

"What are you doing here classic?" You mumbled. You had dark bags. Around your eyes.

Classic could tell you didn't have enough sleep as usual.

"You need sleep."

"I can't... I'm to weak... I'm just..." you broke out crying. You took off your mad. You showed him how you really feel.

Classic stared at you sympathetically. He hugged you. He kissed your forehead.

"You know what I like about you?"

You looked at him with a question looking. -._-.

"You don't give up. When the resets tear your apart. Your still the same." Said Classic.

He hugged you. You snuggled into his jacket.

"Despite every reset we go through, your still you." Said Classic.

You wrapped your hands around his jacket. He is right though.

Despite everything it's still you.


:3 yeah I literally got an idea while doing a online reading test in school LOL 😂

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