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This book has got tons of reads. I felt really proud of the book. And I loved the work I put into these oneshots.

The first book I did was AU Sanses x Reader. And it had tons of reads. I thought it was crap. I'm thankful for everyone who read my stuff. And acknowledged it.

Things have really changed. It's just been a couple months. I was just some nobody. And I'm already having 144 followers and man I'm proud. And I'm so happy.

this book is probably going on hiatus. Basically I don't feel like writing In this book. So it's on a short break. I'm sorry but I don't really feel like updating this book right now.

If I do force myself to write it then basically I might lose inspiration in the book. And might not even do it at all.

Not to mean I don't even have any ideas on this book. So it's on hiatus for now.

You can check on my other books. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. QwQ

In honesty I think people will leave me because this book is on hiatus and I feel so bad and I should've done more. Should've wrote this book... but.

Now when I'm thinking about it.
Why should I care about people who don't read my books. Just because they came across this one. If I just stop this book then they would've just left.

This book. It had tons of views. Even if it's hiatus. I will never let it go to waste.
One day I might return to continue writing this book.
But it's just not now. It's like I'm on a journey.
Some plot twist ending. When I thought I will continue this book. It ends up it's on hiatus. TwT
But I might change my mind. And that's ok.
I just hope I will still be acknowledged for my work. Even if this book is on hiatus. I hope for other future books I plan to intend to.
I hope they grow. As much as this book did.
But that doesn't mean I'm discontinuing it. It's on hiatus. I just don't have creativity and ideas right now. I really hope you guys understand.

I thank you all for reading. I appreciate all of you. Even your comments make me grin a little bit. :3

One day I will return to this book and continue it. For now it's on hiatus.

Thanks for understanding.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now