Star Sans x Protector Reader: Ruthless and Controlled

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You hands clutched onto your head. Why did you let that happened? Why did you let them take them... why... you thought Error changed... you thought...

Flash back

You walked towards the Star Sanses as you prepared to greet them. "Hey guys what's u-" Your eyes widen.

Dreams eyes looked like Nightmare's and Ink's looked controlled. Blue was on strings. "G-Guys?" You said.

Dream smiled twistedly. Blue looked like he was about to cry. Ink was emotionless. They kept attacking you. Hey this seems fun don't you think Y/N? "Error? What do you want!" You shouted.

Another step, and your friends gets it. You hesitated. Error and Nightmare were about to kill them. Your eyes widen. Then you looked down in guilt as you retreated. Tears threaten to fly out of your eyes.

I'm sorry Ink...
I'm sorry Dream...
I'm sorry Blue...
I'm so sorry...

Flash back end

You then grabbed your weapon. "I'm sorry. I broke this promise. I couldn't protect you." You mumbled. You then jumped as you made a portal. It was Nightmares Castle.

There they were... Dream and Ink and Blue. You stole their weapons. You grabbed Inks paintbrush. Dreams staff was on your back. You wore Blues extra scarf.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled. But they always told me to promise them something. That I can't break.

"If me and Blue and Dream Get controlled one day. And something happens to us. Promise me you'll be ruthless."

And so I did.

I was ruthless and controlled.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now