Ink Sans x Creator Reader: Masterpiece

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Requested by @DreamGirl1098

You were the Helper of AUs, though as Ink is the protecter. You deliver AUs safety to the Void. And evacuate AUs when needed.

Ink was sketching on his notepad. You gain a small crush on him. You focused on drawing him On your sketchpad.

"What are you drawing?" You tensed as you hide your sketchpad. " N-Nothing" you said,

You accidentally lost your grip which showed the page. Your face turn red as Inks face turned rainbow.

You covered your face in embarrassment. "Y/N." You slowly look up to only be met by Ink. He kissed your lips.

He slowly pulled away for breath. "I love your sketches," Said Ink.

"Never stop." Ink slowly carried you in bridal style and sat on the couch. "I love you Y/N. Never forget that." Said Ink softly smiling.

Because of you, he felt emotions. He loved you. And you loved him. You were his masterpiece.


Meet the AU Sans Cast crew!

"Ok I'm done." Said Ink. "Nice going squid." Said Nightmare smirking.

"Yeah no sheet octupus. When will the Author get back?" Ink asked.

Nightmare eyesocket twitched for a second on that name. 'Octupus'

"She has school for what I believe so." Said Goth. "Oh hello Creators! Or Readers! My name is Ink. Usually when Author is gone I usually take the job to direct chapters." Said Ink smiling proudly.

"I'm Goth I'm the producer of Chapters." Said Goth. "I'm Palette! And I write chapters when my dad (aka Ink) directs the chapters." Said Palette.

"I am the Filmer, *sigh why did I get the job?" Said Error.

Ink kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you did silly!" Error blushed yellow and crashed.

Ink laughed.

"I'm Dream and I edit the Chapters!" Said Dream.

"And the rest of the Sanses just help out on directing if one of us is on break." Said Ink.

"Well yeah! That's it! It was nice meeting you Creators or Readers? I think that's how I'm suppose to say it. But anyways! Thank you for reading this chapter! We will see you soon! Bye Creators! If you really do create! Keep working on it!" Said Ink.

"Bye glitch." Said Error glaring.

"Bye!" Said Dream.

"Cya." Said Goth and Palette.

"PJ say goodbye." Said Ink.

"Ok bye." Said PJ lazily.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now