Nightmare Sans x MotherReader x Dream Sans: Shots

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Requested by @Mal_lover_32251

"COME BACK HERE CHILD!" "MOM NO!" Dream kept running just because he didn't want his flu shot.

"DREAM COME ON ITS JUST A SHOT!" I yelled. Nightmare kept laughing in the background as he got his flu shot.

"Oh my god this is hilarious!" Nightmare laughed with blue tears. Dream kept screaming as I caught him.

"Dream control yourself! Mother joku, what's wrong with you?" I asked. "I'm afraid of getting a flu shot." Dream whined.

"It's ok Dream, it's just gonna hurt a little bit." "NOOOO!" "Come on Dream scared of a little stupid shot pfffff-" "Nightmare nows not the time!" "NOOOOO I DONT WANNA!" "But you gotta!"


"It's for your own good!"

"So is he getting the flu shot or???..." Author~Chan said awkwardly. "Yes he is-"


I hate flu shots

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now