1k reads SPECIAL Fell x Classic x Ink x Protector Reader x Error: The War

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Error declared war on Ink. They were now finding their army. I was one of them.

Classic slowly rubbed your back. "Don't worry kid. Everything will be ok."

You came from Undertale. You snuggled your face into his jacket. It makes classic blush blue.

Fell also patted your head. He smiled his grin softly. "Look doll, I don't know what will happen, but we'll get through it. Promise." Fell assured.

"Thanks." You said. You grabbed your jacket and wore it over.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HUMAN?" It was blue. You shivered. "I'm sorry." You smiled softly.

"wait Y/N!" Classic yelled. But you opened the portal and went in the antivoid.

It was blank, the same.

"So you came back again." You saw Error.

You turned blazing your eyes at Error.

It seemed that it had come to an end.

You are filled with DETERMINATION

"So you finally care for my wellbeing Y/N? Ever since I loved you. You'd stick up for Ink and that filthy glitches, above me?" Error snarled.

You raised your sword. "I'm sorry Error... I don't want to fight you, I love you... I also love them!" You defended.

"You know how it works Y/N. It's either me... or them." He raised...

The strings.

You dodged. You wanted to talk it out.

"Please Error! We can talk!" You said trying to reason.

"There is nothing to talk anymore." Said Error as he kept attacking.

You then got trapped into his strings. He yanked you over to him.

"Why are you here? Don't you know I'm not the same Error you once imagined? Everything you will say won't matter to me anymore. Not even one." Said Error glaring menacingly.

The strings squeezed you tightly. You wanted to call for help. But your out of breath.

"B-Because I know what I might say won't m-matter to you. B-But I know your not the same." You said trying to get your words out.

"Do you think your above the consequences?" Error asked.

"No.." You answered. "Then what are you looking for?" Error asked.

Ink got into the antivoid with Fell and Classic. Inks eyesockets widen as you were in strings near Error.

Ink charged at Error with his paintbrush. Classic catches you before you fell down.

"Are you ok?" Classic asked.

You shook your head. "I need to get through to him." You said.

You then charged at Error. You pinned him down. "Let me go! You glitch!"

"No!" You said pinning him down. Your filled with DETERMINATION.

"It's not you Error! You're not like this!" You said.


"Get off of him Y/N. I will deal with him." Said Ink sternly.

"No!" Ink carried you gently and hard at the same time. You kept struggling.

Ink handed you over to Classic.

"I'm sorry kid." Said Classic. Your face turned into a stern look.

Your filled with DETERMINATION.

"No! This is not gonna end this way! I'm not going to just sit because of Inks right and wrong!" You said.

"Kid what are you doing?" His eyesockets widen. You ran out of Classics grip.

You tackled ink on the floor.

"Y/N! What are you doing! Let me go!" You pinned him down.

"This isn't right." You said having a stern glare. You saw Ink blushed rainbow for a second. But it quickly disappear.

You stood up and went over to Error. You held a hand.

"Y/N! HE MIGHT HURT YOU!" Said Fell.

"Don't worry, you'll be ok." You said. Errors face turned yellow. But he grabbed your hand.

Ink then went in front of you defending you. He got into a defense position.

Error glared. He looked around.

"Nothing else to see, fine I'll stop... I will... Raise the strings... I can fix it." Said Error.

Ink nodded. He went and grabbed his hand. They both shook it in truce.

"And Y/N. I'm sorry." Said Error. Before you react. He teleported away.

"Where did he go?" Fell asked. "Who knows, at least the war is over." Said Classic.

"For now."

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now