Cross Sans x SisterReader: Home

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I sat next to Cross. "Hey Bro? Do you think we will ever get out home back?" I asked. Cross turned and shrugged. "I don't know." He softly smiled. "I hope we can though. I lay my head on his shoulder for comfort.

Chara sat next to us gagging. "Aww... jealous you didn't get your lay-on-cross-shoulder-head time?" I asked teasingly. Chara  rolled his eyes making me and Cross snicker in amusement.

Chara was our brother.
And he lost his brother... our brother...

. . .


I looked to see Chara battling Fell, Classic, Blue, and Ink. Ink glanced towards me and gasped. "Y/N?" He almost dropped his paint brush.

I couldn't bring over to fight him. I couldn't. He was... my best friend that met Cross and I in the void. Where our AU broke down into pieces.

Ink ran over. I summoned a knife. And threw it his way. "Y/N it's me!" Ink got hit. It threw him back. "HEY YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" Fell summoned his gaster blasters.

I tensed until... Fell got blasted off. Something gripped onto my shoulder. "Hello..." I turned to see x-gaster. Intensely remembers him from criminal boundaries. OMFG YOU FUNKING BEACH YOU RIPPED OF CROSS HALVES CHILD AND TORTURED HIM YOU MOTHER FU- My eyes widen.

The vial on Inks broke. Ink looked at X. Fell and Blue tried to analyze what's gonna happen. Classic to began observing.

Chara's eyes widen and reached out to me. "WATCH OUT!" Then everything disappeared. It was all black.

What's gonna happen.

I turned to see X and stared at him horrified and terrified. I remembered everything. "Well... I know it wasn't your fault."


"Yes... mistakes do  to build up on you sometimes."


"And that's why, I give you the option to join me."


"I will give you time to think about it."

X then looked down on you. "Welcome home."


Yesss underverse!
And there's a part 2 coming soon!

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now