AU Sanses x Asthma Reader: Breathe...

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Requested by @ XxSakuraChanxX9


I lived with the Star Sanses. I visited Fell and Classic. I had Asthma... they didn't knew of course... I didn't want it to ruin our friendship.

Just one time... someone knew and they never wanted to be near me. I don't want that to happen. Not ever again. "Hey try this food out!" Said Dream.

I looked at the food and gaped. It's one of these foods that had something that triggered Asthma. I shook my head. "Wait no." Dream gave me the puppy eyes. I still shook my head.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" Dream asked. "Yeah you ok kid?" Classic was there with Fell. I breathed heavily. "Hey... calm down, just breathe." Said Ink.

I then ate the food. Dream smiled happily. Not knowing I clearly have Asthma. I felt it... the trigger... I fell to the ground wheezing.

"What did you dream! Is she allergic or something???!" "I didn't do anything I swear!" "WAIT IT ALL MAKES SENSE!"

"SHE HAS ASTHMA!" Everything went black...


I woke up in a bed wincing. I had my inhaler with me? Wait where's my inhaler- "Oh you're awake." I saw everyone. "Yeesh kid you could've tell us you had Asthma." Said Classic.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Blue asked looking concerned. "I thought you'd guys not talk to me... and you guys wouldn't care. And would stop being my friend because of that."

Ink hugged me. "Of course not! I wouldn't do that in the world." I catch a glimpse of Sanses glaring at the creator. I shrugged it off as I hugged him back.

"Yeah, as Ink was saying..." Blue pushed Ink out of the way. Oof "We wouldn't abandon you for that stupid reason." Said Blue. "Yeah kid. We wouldn't." Said Classic as I softly smiled making him blush softly blue.

"Sorry... about the food incident... didn't know you had Asthma." Said Dream. "It's ok Dreamy." I Said. Dream stiffen at the new nickname I gave him.

"Aww Dreamy getting so flustered." Dream flushed more yellow. The Sanses also glared at him. Little did I know they want the attention I was having. I began to feel tired and dizzy.

"You're gonna get better. Take care kid. We'll visit you in few hours. You need rest." Said Classic grinning softly. Fell winked making you blush a bit red.

"Bye!" Ink called as the others said their goodbyes as the portal opened and they hopped off. I sighed... those skeletons... I smiled softly and laughed a bit.

I like how this turned out. I was trying to make his similar those to have asthma. Sorry if I don't get it accurately!

Further then that, I hope you enjoy this oneshot.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now