Dust Sans x Reader: Dont care

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I walked to the edge of the waterfall as I sat down listening to the breeze of dust flowing. I sighed as I just wished things would go back to normal.

But it wouldn't. "You need to do something about this. But how can I stop him?" I asked myself. I tried to think. I need to be helpful to myself.

I heard a scream. "LET ME GO!" I quickly farted towards the area and to shock. Dust held a child wearing a sweater by her throat.

"Your free EXP." Dust said as he was to raise the knife. "STOP!" He turned to me. "Well more free EXP." Dust said laughing insanely as he pinned me to the wall choking me.

"Here for your little Petty speech again? Telling me that I do care about you? Save it." Said Dust.

"I know you don't care." Dust seemed shocked. "You're actually understanding me for once?" " I didn't just came to just beg you to come back."

"I know you won't be the same because of what Frisk did. I didn't came just to be your amusement. If you did. Fuck you asshole." I Said simply as Dust laughed.

"Oh my god... what do you think this will accomplish." "I don't know." I said as I looked down.

"You're an idiot, coming back to me just to think I care?" "THEN WHY DIDNT YOU KILL ME YET." Dust looked shocked and amused and surprised.

"What do you mean?-" "LOOK ME IN THE EYE DUST! Why didn't you kill me if you didn't care about me in the first place? Why did you walk past me when you murdered Papyrus when I was there?"

Dust eyesockets went black. Little purplish tears went into his eyesockets.

"Why didn't you dust me... like everyone else."

"I did care. But not anymore. I did this because Frisk kept killing people multiple times. And I intend to stop that. I didn't want to kill you because it pained me." Dust twirled his knife around.

"But I can't give up not to care anymore." I Said. Dust looked down laughing. "You thought that would work? To break me? Your insane. But that what love does to people nowadays."

Dust prepared into stance. "Goodbye... Love." He then ran and stabbed me with his knife. Everything went black as I felt purplish tears fell onto my cheek as I collapsed.

Soul breaking


AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now