Nightmare Sans x Reader x Killer : Love Triangle

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You sat on the land and remembered something. It eased you.

-flash back-

10 years ago

Nightmare laughed as he threw a twig at you. You laughed back as you both kept playing.

"Nighty?" You asked.

"Yes?" Nightmare answered.

"Promise me youll never leave me." You said.

"I promise." Said Nightmare

-Flash back-

"But you broke that promise." You said breaking in tears. Someone walked behind you.

"Goodnight birdy." Before you could react. You got knocked on the head.

You fell to the floor. Killer carried you to nightmares castle. You buried into him for warmth.

This made killer blush so hard. But he hid his blush very well. Why did he feel these things? He doesn't get it.

"Nightmare I caught someone." Said Killer as he gently put her on the ground.


Nightmare paused to look at her. "She looks so familiar..."

Nightmares eyes widen. "It's her." Said Nightmare. He carried her and ran to the halls without questioning.

"What just happened?" Dust asked. Killer shrugged.

Nightmare begin to get a medical kit and patched her up.

After that he left.


You woke up with a headache. "Where am I?.." you asked trying to move. It hurted so you kept still.

Someone opened the door. It was a skeleton with black goop coming out of his eyes.

"H-Hey. Here nightmare order me to give you food" said Killer. He gave you soup.

It cooled and you begin to drink soup. Killer blushed.

"Thank you." You said blushing. "When will I see nightmare?" You asked.

"Oh he's coming in now." Said Killer. You saw a glimpse of him glaring but it faded away.

You hugged him. "Thanks Killer." You said. He slowly hugged you back.

Nightmare went inside and paused.

"Y-Y/N." Said Nightmare.

"Nighty?" You asked.


PART 2 coming soon!

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now