Rurik x DepressedReader: He Understands

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You were walking into school. You met Goth and Palette. It just so happened you had a crush on Palette. But they were both together.

It made your heart sank. But you still tried to be happy for them. Cupcake and Rurik were in a off and on relationship. They both broke up.

You couldn't blame them. No one understood you. Even when you ask for help. They brush it off that it's just a phase or... they tried.

But they still don't get you no matter how hard you tried. You didn't felt like eating lunch. You walked outside as school was over. You bumped into someone.

"Sorry." You apologized and realized it was Rurik you bumped into. "Watch where you going next time." Said Rurik. He reminded you of Palette. You blushed instantly and looked away with a stern look.

Rurik looked again making you blush more. He also blushed back. He looked away awkwardly. "So how are you doing?" Rurik asked.

"I'm fine. You?" You asked. "I'm good to." Said Rurik. You sat down on the street walk. "Do you have somewhere to go?" Rurik asked. Fell Goth kinda rubbed off him.

"No. My parents hate me. They don't welcome me there. They're Arses." You said standing up. "Well do you want to go to my place for a night?" Rurik asked awkwardly.

You blushed again. "S-Sure I guess." You said holding your arm. You walked besides Rurik. It was really awkward until he brought up a subject.

Depression. This subject you really wanted to avoid. But you felt like he understood you. He explained his childhood. You felt like it's time to open up.

This needs to stop. "It's ok if you don't want open up-

You cut him off. "Y-Yeah I do." You said trembling. "H-Hey are you okay? You don't have to tell me if you don't." Said Rurik. "It's... I can do it." You said smiling softly looking down.

You opened up. You kept saying about your childhood and stuff that happened. You trembled with tears. But you tried your best.

All these walls from depression. It all began crumbling down. You weren't alone anymore. As you begin finishing your story and to Why Your parents hate you.

Rurik offered his arms as you hugged him crying terribly. You kept sobbing. "I'm sorry for what happened. It's really brave of you of telling me that. Your gonna be safe." Said Rurik.

You were to exhausted to the point you passed out.


You woke up in his bed. You looked to see Rurik sleeping. You noticed it was still in the middle of the night.

You turned to the clock. It was 9:05 pm. You were out for a long time.  You didn't knew why. But... you felt safe. You looked at Rurik and smiled softly.

You lay down and snuggled next to him. "Night Rurik." You mumbled falling to sleep again.

Rurik moved his arms and wrapped his arms around you.  Rurik smiled softly. "Night to you to."

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now