Epic Sans x EmotionlessReader: Cant feel? Your evil bs (happy ST patricks day)

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I was evil once. But it was because I went insane because I couldn't feel. People didn't trust me. They all thought I was evil.

There was a party coming on tonight. "Come on bruh! You have to come!" Epic begged. "Yeah it's gonna be one of a lifetime." Cross backed up.

They did... the puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and said. "Fine." I Said snickering giving in. They both high-fived. I wore Epics hoodie because they were no clothes. They were all in the washing machine.


"So how do I look?" I asked. Epic blushed purple. "Uhh your... cute...- wait no! Your epic bruh! Epic!!" Cross snickered as Epic nudged him. I raised my eyebrow but smiled.

"Thanks." I Said. I walked with Epic and Cross to the AU party Ink and Error were hosting. Yeah they were both together. It was about Saint Patrick's Day.

I wore a T-Shirt had a clover on it. While wearing Epics long jacket. I walked in. Some people looked at me but I looked away. "Happy ST. Patrick's Day Y/N!" Blueberry hugged me with Ink. "Thanks guys." I Said.

"It's the emotionless Freak heheh-" Blue nudged him and looked at me innocently while Fell rubbed him arm in pain. I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"And they say your a great person." Classic seethed as he walked away. He didn't trust you. It made sense. Something inside you wanted to explode.

"DoNt LiStEn To ThEm ThEy'Re JuSt StUpId." Error was also mistreated. But they warmed up to him. I don't know why not me though. Why am I not warmed up to?

"Hey Emotionless Freak." Dust laughed as Cross glared at him. "Sorry about him. He's just having a bad day lately." Killer said rolling his eyesockets as he walked away catching up to him.

Same excuses. "Hey are you ok?" Epic asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I Said eating a cookie. Epic also ate a cookie and it was delicious. "OMG BRUH!" I chuckled at his eyesockets lifting up.

I walked around. I then bumped into a person I didn't want to meet. Edge. "Huh, it is the emotionless freak. Hm..." "stop..." I mumbled. "What are you going to do? Man lucky enough, I'd treat you differently if you were in my family. Fell is useless just like you. People are just your friends because they feel pity for you!weak..." Edge laughed. That's it. I slapped him. "I'm more then that. Stop calling me that." I mumbled clenching my fists.


Cross pushed Edge away and grabbed Me and dragged me to the corner while everyone else glanced away. Epic followed.

"I understand your mad, but you should control your anger. The last thing we need is to get kicked out." Said Cross. "I'm so tired of being mistreated like trash all the time! It's like Fresh and Error all over again!" I Said teleporting away.

"Where did she go??" "Let me take of it." Epic answered as he teleported away from across.

I teleported to waterfall. I sunk my head into my knees. "Hey Bruh..." I turned to see Epic. "Oh hey..." I mumbled. Epic sat next to me.

"I'm sorry. But you have to control your anger bruh. If you go Hayware. You will hurt people. And the ones you love." I winced at the last part.

Epic was right. But it made me feel bad more about myself. Epic wrapped his hand into mine. He softly smiled. "Its not gonna be some cliche where you will just be let off the hook for your mistakes." I looked away.

He then put his hand on my chin and made me look at him. "But Bruh... DONT care about what they think. You have others that care about you." I blushed slightly. Epic then kissed my  lips which made me surprised. I slowly melt into the kiss.

He then pulled away because I needed air. I blushed crazy. Epic looked away. "And that says something." Said Epic grinning slightly as he teleported away.

I sat down thinking about the kiss. Could it really be? Epic liked me? I blushed at that thought. I stared at the moonlight water.

I hug Epics jacket. He's right. I've been pushing away close people I love. Things will be different this time.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now