Nightmare Sans x SisterTraumatizedReader: Dream Spirit

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The elevator rolled down as I then went to see Nightmare. He was in chains. "Good luck." Ink said as he opened the area revealing Nightmare meditating near a dead tree.

I slowly breathed as Ink gave me a nod as the elevator went up. His tentacles were in chains. "I knew you'd come." I sighed.

"I'm not gonna be scared of you Nightmare." I Said as Nightmare slowly breathed. He lung and charged towards me as my eyes widen. I flinched as Nightmare was just 3 distances away from me.

He chuckled. "I guess it didn't work. But you still seem scared." Nightmare Said as he backed away. "You still have your Dream Spirit? You can meditate through there to get to the nightmare and dreams tree?" I Said shocked. Nightmare shrugged.

"Well Yeah somehow... but it doesn't matter." Said Nightmare. "You know even though you could've been good. But your like this because of your jealousy." I Said simply as Nightmare laughed. "That's true, but blaming me for my mistakes doesn't help you recover. Besides it's not really all about me." Said Nightmare simply as he sat down. I sighed.

"Even though I had been raped, and my last battle fought with you was terrifying as I almost died and got corrupted. I can never stand to the fact I will never be the same before." I Said as I looked down. Nightmare sighed at that incident. He wasn't there but he knew it was painful.

"Neither of us were the same before. I was once your brother you knew, but I transformed into a goopy monster that's chained to the ground. You had power, and you're free to use it while I'm bound. and you still hold yourself down to use it" Nightmare pointed out.

"I'm not holding my self down! My powers have limits!" I Said pointing out a fact also. "Your wrong. That dark apple should've corrupted you. You think your powers have limits. I say it's limitless." Nightmare said straightforward.

"Before you were always talking about chaos and destruction. What makes you talk about all of this now?" I asked. "Your still my sister. And hey, just because I'm cruel and dark doesn't mean I'm not wise to." Said Nightmare.

"I will help you find your Dream spirit." "No way." I Said simply not trusting nightmare. "Ok then you won't find your Dream spirit and you'll get corrupted. Ya want that?" Nightmare asked. I sighed knowing I have to cooperate with him.

"I've come this far. Guess I have no choice." I Said simply as I sat down and meditate. He also sat down and meditate. "Breathe. Think of your aura and positivity inside you."

I tremble as memories came back. The screams I shouted as Swapfell pinned me down. And me throwing up black goop. "Let it play out." "I cant!" "You can, accept what happened to you. Don't fear what might have been." "How?" "Don't be afraid hold on!"

Then the aura around surrounded with sparks of positivity and negativity. I looked as me and him were at the tree of Negativity and Postivity.

"Thank you. You led me here." I Said. Nightmare didn't say anything. "Your still my sister." Nightmare said simply. I sighed as his form disappearred.

"Thank you." I Said smiling softly feeling as he smiled back.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now