Yandere Sans x Reader: Level Of ViolencE

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Hey guys, just a quick note, thank you for all of you reading my books! I appreciate all of you. You all are the reason why I keep writing, and why I wake up everyday in the morning to publish.

I just wanna say, thank you.


You bumped into someone and fell on the ground. "Oh sorry." You said. He blushed blue for a second but it dismissed quickly.

"No sweat, I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." Said Sans. You smiled. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." You said.

"I've got English, know where it is?" Sans asked. "Oh yeah I do. It seems we have the same class together. Come on." You said smiling happily.

You grabbed his hand and lead to the English classroom. You both sat in the back. He was puntastic. He kept telling puns.

English class was over. Other classes went by. It was time to go home.

"Oh hey Blue!" You said. "HELLO HUMAN! WANT TO HANG OUT?" Blue asked.

"Sure." You said. Little did you know... someone was watching you both went out the school.


Sans glared at blue. "Y/N is mine. How dare he hangs out with her? I'm suppose to be next to her. Laughing." Said Sans.

Sans grin twisted. "Maybe..." Sans sheethed out his knife and followed them.

Sans saw Blue with Y/N. She was going to buy nice-cream. This was the perfect opportunity! Sans darted and teleported while Sans Grabbed blues neck.

"MMMMMMMMHHMH!" Blue panicked. Sans stabbed his throat. Blue's eyes was dark. Sans threw him into the hole that lead to the underground.

Surprisingly no blood was stained on his jacket. Sans shrugged. He threw the knife with Blue.

Sans teleported out of Mount Ebott.

"Where did blue go?" Y/N asked. She held two nice-creams.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Sans asked keeping his lazy smile.

"Nothing, just looking for blue. You know where it is?" Y/N asked. Sans shook his head.

"He told me he had to go so..." Sans excused. "Oh..." Said Y/N.

"We can hang out instead!" Said Sans. Y/N nodded. "Sure!"


I ate my nicecream while me and Y/N talked. She never figured out what I did.

It would've made her feel Upset. She wouldn't hate me forever.

Well she's mine. And no one will take her from me.

Not ever


I got fear vibes writing this

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