Naj ink x Teacher Reader: Happiness counts part 2

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Y/N was in the border between life and death. She didn't know what to choose. She couldn't wake up. She couldn't decide.

She wanted to be happy. But she can't stand to see Ink and Error together. What would she feel?

Happiness Counts.

But she chose life. She woke up to the machine. She was losing a lot of HP. But it was healing itself.

I hugged her. "Nighty come on." Said Y/N. I chuckled as I rubbed her head.

"I'm glad your alive." I Said. Dream and Palette came to visit.

Ink also did. He sadly told her he didn't like her back the way he wanted.

His true mate was Error. But he and her can still be best friends.

It was... hard.

Y/N fell into depression. Her soul cracked. She had a break off teaching.

Everyone wondered where she was. I was concerned. Until she...

"She didn't." I began.

"We don't know where she is. She went to other AUs. She's not here anymore." Said Goth.

Everyone try to find her. But she disappeared with out a trace.

So we tried to forget.

But the memory still lingered.


You sighed. You looked at the stars. "I needed break for a while." You mumbled.

You hugged yourself. All the stress was always put on you.

You needed time alone.

You ran away from AU. At least they're happier.

Without me...

Your tears dropped. You cried to yourself. No matter how hard. You always tried to move on From Ink and Error.

If only Error never talked to Ink. You and Ink would probably be together.

But Their Happiness Counts Right?

You sighed.

You smile softly. "You'll return."

"Just not now." You looked out to the outer stars.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now