AU Sanses x Kind Female Baker Reader: To Much Sanses

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Well this was a very tough chapter to write! But I managed through it!

Requested by IceDream25
Also note that I might not remember all the AUs that you put in. So imma choose some of them? If that's okay.

You were baking food in your shop. You were in mafiatale. until a explosion happened. Screams and panicking rose around.

You ran. You got grabbed and got teleported into a yellowish place.

"Heya I'm Ink! Protector of the AUs." Said Ink. "I'm Y/N, where are we?" You asked.

"We're at the doodlesphere! Don't worry your Sans is safe. He's in the omega timeline with other Sanses." Said Ink.

"Ok! Well this is really weird." You said. Alternate Version of Sanses seems normal. Totally normal.

You sat looking bored. "Can I sketch?" You asked. Ink's face heated rainbow. "Sure." Said Ink as he gave you a random sketchpad with the tip of the paintbrush.

You draw. Your filled with DETERMINATION. "Wanna go to the omega timeline?" Ink asked. You nodded.

You surprisingly went. "Heya doll~" "that's Gaster Sans. From Echotale" Said Ink glaring at him at jealousy as G made you blushed.

You shrugged it off. "Y/N!" Mafia hugged you. You hugged back which made him blush. Tons of glares were thrown at him but you ignored it.

"I missed you! I'm glad you were safe!" Said Mafia. "I'm glad to." You mumbled.

You walked away pulling back. You met a Sans known as Oceantale Sans.

"Heya, I'm Sans, but call me Ocean. "Hey ocean, what's it out in the sea?" You asked.

"I don't know be PACIFIC." Said Ocean winking. You chuckled at the pun.

"OK HEY Y/N! I NEED HELP FROM THE KITCHEN!" Said Ink pulling you away.

"But we don't have a-

"BYE OCEAN!" Said Ink as he rushed off. "What was that for Ink?" You asked.

"I-Oh uh I needed help for Cooking." Said Ink. "If that's so! Where's the kitchen?" You asked. Ink created one in a instant.

You went in. Ink gave you Eggs and other ingredients you needed. You were gonna made a Desert.


"Hmm it's good Doll~" G flirted. You got flustered. "THIS IS GREAT HUMAN!" Said The Sans you knes was blue.

Ink introduced you to all the Sanses because why not? Classic, Blue, Dream, and many others.

Classic was the punniest guy of all. Blue was such a smol innocent skeleton. Dream was optimistic. You loved all of them.

They were kind. You have feelings on all of them. But you didn't know they also had feelings for you.

You then fell asleep in Ink arms. "Awww she's so cute!!" Blue squealed.

Echopray Sans glared at him. "Let's get her to sleep, I will carry her."

He carried Y/N which made all Sans flare a glare at him.

He put her on her bed and kissed for forehead. "Night Angel."

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now