Undertale Sans x Reader: Something to remember

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Sans kept walking as he held my hand as I almost slipped. "Careful there kid. You don't want an accident to happen right?" Said Sans.

"Yeah I guess." I Said smiling awkwardly. Sans faintly blushed but shook it off as he kept walking. "Here's a shortcut kiddo."

He teleported without warning and I barfed. "Heh sorry... it was your first time." Sans apologized. I felt really tired and I couldn't stand up well.

"It's ok. Here." Sans carried me bridal style. I blushed as he made to waterfall. I buried my head into his jacket making him blush even more blue.

He sat down on the field with Echo flowers. "It's my favorite place to come think." Said Sans. "Me to." I said as I sat down next to him.

"Do you think this is all just a game?" I turned to him confused. "Whatcha mean by that?" I asked. "That were just being toyed by people. And they're entertained. They keep us from our happy ending... and just let us have a sweet release of death and they just do it all over again."

"Heh. Can't blame ya kid. I don't know either." Said Sans as he sat down thinking. I hugged myself. That was deep.

The breeze flew as the rivers waves and waterfall sounds kept clicking.

"Well Frisk is nice right? Even though they might do bad things. I believe they're gonna do great one day." I Said beaming of hope.

Sans laughed softly. "Kid... you're always the optimistic one gives underground hope."

"You give me hope."

"That things will be better."

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now