JAN PJ x Nerd Reader

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You read books in the library, your friend was Goth. You blushed whenever PJ sometimes goes into the library.


You saw your phone. You read the text.

PJ: Meet me outside school, I have something to tell you.

You responded texting back.

Y/N: Ok

You stood up and called Goth. "Hey I gotta meet PJ. Can you keep in charge of my books?" You asked.

Goth nodded. "Thanks." You mumbled. You went out of the library. Oh yeah school was over.

There was PJ. "Pj? What's up?" You casually asked hiding your blush.

"I-I like you... you were the only reason why I felt safe. And I felt relaxed. You make me feel happy. When your always around. Whenever I get picked on... you always defend me. And be there for me." Said PJ.

You crashed. PJ likes you?! "Y-Yes!" PJ looked shocked. "I-I like you to!" You said as you hugged PJ.

Tears surrounded your eyes. But you hugged him anyway. PJ hugged back.

He loved you. And you loved him.


"And that's how I met your dad." You said Casually.

"Oh my god! I need more!" Said D/N. Your daughter was 15. She's in underhigh. She loves fanfics.

"Eww gag, romance stuff." Said S/N. Your son was 12 years old. He liked gaming and reading. He also liked computers as well.

You chuckled. "Well it's time for bed." You said.

They both groaned. "But mom! I want to hear more!" Said D/N.

You chuckled. "Ok next time." You said.


AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now