Nightmare Sans x sisterReader: Dark and Bright

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Long ago
There were three children born.
To keep balance in the world.
Dream Sans was the Prince of Dreams.
Nightmare Sans was the Prince of Nightmares.
Y/N was the Protector of the Galaxy.
She was brought here to control the fuel Between Dream and Nightmare.
But things never went well.


You wore a galaxy attire that had a sword on the back. You hopped on the grass. And you looked around expecting Dream and Nightmare fussing again.

It was different. Nightmare and Dream were fighting. People were screaming. Nightmare was in a goopy form.

Dream tried his best to fought Nightmare off. You then hopped and grabbed your Sword. "Stop it Nightmare!" You shouted. But you were to late.

Dream was in stone. He couldn't afford to fight his own brother.

"Well...Well isn't it the Galaxy Princess or Protector... Get out of my way Y/N. This doesn't concern you." Nightmare seethed.

"No! Think about what your doing! The balance is gonna be tipped." You said. "Well then we fight." Nightmare said preparing his tentacles.

"I don't want to. Oh Brother... what happened to you?" You asked. "I'm not your brother anymore. Your just someone that I used to be related to." He kept charging his tentacles at you.

You kept dodging. You released Magic around you and Nightmare. But you got caught into his tentacles. You tried to struggle. But it failed miserably.

"Well I think it's time to put you to sleep." Said Nightmare. You couldn't let him do it. He seems hesitant to. Is there still your brother inside him? You and Him shared a close bond after all.

As he was about to turn you into stone. "NO...NOOO!" You shouted blasting Nightmare off. Your eyes shifted to Dream.

"I'm sorry brother..." You said as you teleported away out of Nightmares sight. Because Dream was frozen. You were also frozen before you teleported.

Until Dream got released and free of his stone form. You'd be to.

5 Years later (sorry if it's inaccurate)

You landed onto a white floor? You looked to your surroundings and up. Your eyes widen. The Papers are hanging in the ceiling. The background was a bit yellowish and orangish.

"Hey are you ok?" You turned around slowly. To see a skeleton with paint bottles and a Huge paint brush on his back. He had colorful shaped eyes.

You felt something. He couldn't feel. He could only feel in his paint vials. You can feel others emotions. At first it was weird you couldn't sense any. But you understood.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." You said smiling beamingly as you took his hand.


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