Error Sans x CreatorReader: Anti

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I painted everything in canvas. Beautiful paint splashed on the the board as paint collided onto my cheeks. Guess me and Ink are a matching set.

I laughed silently. I summoned my I'm gonna paintbrush. Inks is taller then mine. I'm just his apprentice. I whirled it around as I created a portal to somewhere... I can't really say it...

I then looked around to see a glitchy skeleton that looked to be doing crochet. He wore a black faded to blue and red tip jacket and a blue shirt with black pants and black flip flops.

His cheekbones had blue streaks on it. I can't really tell if he's crying. Me being curious I walked silently as I reached over to him and sat next to him.

"Hi." I Said. Error jerked away as he hung me from strings. "Who are you?" Error asked. "Oh I'm Y/N, Inks Apprentice. I was just wondering if we could be friends..?" I Said.

"Whoever is with Ink isn't a friend of mine." Error seethed. "Just because were the opposite of each other doesn't mean we should hate each other." I Said. Error thought of that. He let go of me as I plopped onto the ground.

"So why are you here?" Error asked. "Well I just want to meet other people. I kept staying in my comfort zone a while now." Me and Error kept talking.

It seemed like we had a bond connection. He said had a phobia where he has a fear of touch. He didn't flinch when I accidentally touched him.

I had to go to Ink. I told him I'll see him later. I saw Ink talking on the phone.

"For the love of- why were you born a freaking shipper." Ink said as he hung up. "Oh hey didn't you see there." Ink said as I snickered.

"Anyways where have you been Y/N?" Ink asked. "Just to Outertale." I lied smoothly.

"Alright. Wanna help me make blue tacos?" Ink said. I nodded as I looked back to the portal I made.

I will see you again Error.

AU Sans x Reader oneshots 2(Requests closed) •~complete~•Where stories live. Discover now