Part 1: Odd arrival

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"That test was brutal," Kirishima commented to Kaminari.

"Yeah, how d'you think you did?"

"No clue. Hoping for the best though..." Kirishima glanced ahead. "Hey, who is that?"

Kaminari looked up and finally saw a couple of people too old to be students standing by the school's front entrance. Both looked confused. One girl, one guy. The guy was eyeing the security fence with a concerned frown. The girl zeroed in on the two boys and seemed to be looking them over.

"They aren't teachers. Press maybe?" Kaminari suggested, as unlikely as that was.

"Let's go find out," Kirishima said in a suspicious voice. He strode purposefully down the walkway toward them. The man got a little in front of the woman and her hand went to her shoulder, tugging her hair.

Once they got close, Kaminari could note she was very pretty, but looked completely foreign. European, maybe? American? Not one bit Japanese. Their clothes were a little off too, though modern. The man looked like he worked out a lot. He had a build like a Pro, but had a face more like a delivery guy-- friendly, also guarded. Kirishima got right to the point.

"Who are you? Do you have passes?"

"Passes?" the man repeated, with a caught smile.

"This is private property, dude," Kaminari said.

"It is?" The man winced. "Oops. Maybe made a minor miscalculation there, Sunshine."

The woman sighed. "I'm sure this was right. How could it not be? Besides, I told you it wasn't--"

"--Your calculations. Yeah, I know." The man looked perturbed. "Well, now, sorry kids. We're"

Kaminari and Kirishima exchanged a look that said, "Not buying it."

"How dumb do they think we are?" Kaminari glanced behind them and noted Mr. Aizawa coming their way. Time to stall.

"New, huh?" he said with a laid back grin, "So, you have no idea this is UA?"

"UA?" the woman replied, with a pretty convincing befuddled expression.

"Yeah, Plus Ultra!" Kirishima said, "Highest ranking hero course in Japan."

"Japan?" the man said.

"Hero Course?" the woman repeated. They exchanged a look.

The man flexed his fingers. "Oh, yeah, this'll be fun--"

A scarf line tied around his limbs. The woman glanced around warily.

"I'd advise you not to move." Aizawa came into view from behind a tree. "This is pretty much unbreakable, and I'd prefer to have as little trouble as possible taking you in."

The woman's hand froze over her shoulder, and she got a defiant gleam in her eye. "Taking us in to where?" she asked.

"How does jail sound?" Aizawa replied dryly.

"Jail?! For what?" the man sputtered, twitching.

"Trespassing on private property," Aizawa said coolly.

"Well, that's not going to work for me," the woman frowned. "Jail would be really bad. Look, it was an honest mistake. Can't we just clear out and call it even?"

"Maybe a year ago." Aizawa was relentless. "But now I just can't afford the risk. If it was really a mistake, you should have nothing to fear as long as you don't resist."

"Do we want to resist?" the man asked like he was asking her if she wanted to stop for coffee.

Aizawa frowned.

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