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This is the fourth book in the heartless series if you haven't read the other three go do that haha.


"You're pregnant."

"What?!" I asked in shock as I choked on the gasp that left my body. "You're pregnant." Dr. Robinson repeated, "n-no! I took three pregnancy tests! They were all negative!!" I yelled as Colby stood up to hug me tightly. "Shhh, it's okay. We will get through this." He said quietly as I sobbed into his shoulder.

We weren't ready for another kid. Mia was still a baby!

"we aren't ready!" I cried out as he held me. Dr. Robinson looked at me with sad eyes as I cried. "Shhh, we are. We can do this again. It's not ideal but baby we can do it. It's okay." Colby whispered as I held onto him tightly. "W-what are we doing wrong? We are using protection...I'm on birth control..what are we doing wrong?" I whispered as he rubbed my back.

"I don't know baby girl, but we are going to get through this, I promise." He whispered back as I sniffled, calming myself down a little bit.

"I know this isn't what you were expecting but it's a good thing, you two are great parents, and Mia is going to have a little brother or sister. It's exciting!" Dr. Robinson said as Colby pulled away to wipe my tears. "I just..I don't know..w-what if Mia thinks we are replacing her." I whispered as Colby laughed, "Mia is gonna be fine. She's always going to be our little girl. No matter how many babies come after, she's always gonna be our first." He said and brushed my hair down.

"You're right." I whispered and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I said causing him to breathe out a laugh, "it's okay baby girl, I'm freaked out too, but I know what we can handle. We can do this." He said as I nodded. "Okay." I whispered before turning towards Dr. Robinson.

"Okay, so I'm going to set you up with some prenatal vitamins, since you has low iron when you were pregnant with Mia I'm going to assume it's going to be the same with this one, so I'll also give you iron pills. Make sure you're eating lots of veggies also. We want that baby big and strong, I'll send all of this information to your OBGYN. She will take care of the rest of the pregnancy." She said as I rested my hand on my belly.

It made sense. The fatigue, the bloating, the emotions. All of it.

It wasn't fair for me to be getting upset at the baby inside of me. It wasn't it's fault that Colby and I couldn't keep our hands off of eachother for more than five minutes.

"You okay?" Colby asked as pushed my hair behind my ear. "Are YOU okay?" I asked as he smirked, "I'm prefect. Another beautiful baby with a beautiful girl." He said softly and caressed my cheek.

"You guys are SO cute." Dr. Robinson said and pouted at us. "Okay, get your prescriptions, and schedule an appointment with your OBGYN. It's always good to see you two." She said and gave us both hugs, "good to see you too." I said quietly and got up, taking the paper she was handing me.

"And congratulations. I know it seems extra scary right now, but it's still a precious miracle." She said as I rested my hand on my belly. "I guess you're right." I said and nodded.

"I know I am." She said then left the room. "I'm serious Cor, are you okay?" Colby asked and helped me stand up, "yeah, it's just a shock to the system...especially when I tested negative 3 times. I just..I'm worried about Mia." I said with a sigh as he laced his fingers through mine.

"She's gonna be fine, by the time the other baby is here she will almost be 2 years old..speaking of her birthday is really soon we have to plan her party." He said as we walked out of the doctors office.

"Don't you worry babe, I worked on planning it while you were away." I said with a small laugh as he opened the car door for me. "Thank you." I said quietly and got in.

"What were you thinking?" He asked and took my hand in his as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I was thinking baby animal themed..I don't know. Mia loves her little stuffed elephant that Sam got her. I can make her a little elephant cake." I said and bit my lip, catching myself rubbing at my lower stomach.

"That's a great idea, maybe we can even rent some baby animals for her to meet. That would be adorable." He said and squeezed my hand as we pulled up to the pharmacy. "I'll go run in and grab your prescription, you stay here," he said and kissed my head after he parked the car.

As soon as he closed the door I looked down at my stomach, "you were really a surprise little one...I hope you know that I love you a lot though." I whispered and rubbed the very slightly puffed out part of my belly.

I was scared.

Yeah, we have done this before but for some reason this felt different. We would have 2 kids before we were even 25. It was a lot.

When Colby got back in the car I grabbed his hand, "do you think we should tell everyone now?" I asked and bit my lip as he pulled out of the parking spot.

"I kinda want to keep it our little secret for a while, we don't even know how far along you are." He said and rubbed my hand as he pulled into the Dairy Queen drive thru. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." I said and rested my head on the window. I was exhausted.

Colby ordered my icecream and handed it to me before driving off, "what did you get?" I asked and he shrugged, "I got you a cookie dough blizzard." He said and started to drive home, "you didn't get anything for yourself?" I asked and pouted my lip out at him, "no, I didn't want anything." He said with a chuckle and rubbed my hand with his thumb. "Oh...well thank you babe." I said quietly and smiled at him.

"You're welcome, beautiful." He said and let go of my hand so I could eat. When we got back to the house we went into the living room where Sam and Kat were hanging out with Mia. "Hey! How was the appointment?" Sam asked as Mia toddled over to Colby and I, "hi sweetheart!" I cooed and picked her up, "um, heh it was interesting. I'm okay though, got some low iron." I said and held up the pills.

Kat looked at me suspiciously as Sam nodded, "Mia was an angel as always." He said with a laugh. "That's good!" I said and pinched her cheek as she smile at me, "ba-ba-ba." she said as she put her fingers in her mouth.

She's been trying to talk to us these past couple days, which was really exciting, "hungry? Is that what you're telling me?" I asked and bounced her on my hip as she looked at us with wide eyes.

"Okay, let's eat." I said and walked off towards the kitchen. "What are we thinking? Banana or yogurt?" I asked and held them up to her. She pointed to the banana and giggled, "that's what I was thinking." I said and nodded at her as I opened the banana and grabbed her bowl and spoon.

"I don't know how you manage to do it." Colby said as he leaned against the doorframe. "Do what? Mash bananas? It's not hard." I said with a laugh. "No, dork. I meant how do you manage to become more attractive every day?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You're mushier than these bananas." I said with a laugh as he came up and started goofily kissing my face all over the place causing me to squeal as Mia giggled. "Oh I'm mushy now? That's not what you were saying last night." He said with a laugh, "Cole Robert Brock! In front of our daughter? Really?" I asked and smacked his arm. "In front of both of our daughters." He said quietly.

"We don't know that." I said and rested my hand on my stomach, "I think it's gonna be a girl." He said and wrapped his arms around me from behind so he could hold my stomach. "Well then I think it's a boy." I said as Mia banged her hands on the table top in front of her, "okay! Sorry!" I said with a laugh and started feeding her.

I really did love my sweet girl.

Maybe having another baby wouldn't be so bad.

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